Last night in New Orleans was anything but ordinary – it was the debut of Britney’s comeback concert and it was her first time being back on stage in front of thousands of sscreaming fans in almost 5 years… oh how I wish I could have been there! Even worse, I’ve got some of my good friends who are making the roadtrip to see her perform tomorrow night in Atlanta and I can’t go. Yes, what a sad, sad day in the life of Natasha. I’ll just have to wait until everyone posts their pics so I can see just how much amazingness I missed out on… the funds are a little too low these days with my hectic schedule, so I couldn’t see shelling out $400 on tickets, hotel, gas, food, and alcohol just to see my Britney (maybe I should’ve taken donations or something earlier). Of course being the stalker that I am for celebrity websites, I got online this morning and couldn’t wait to see pictures of last night’s show… apparently for critics, she didn’t bring her A-game, and they were quoted saying she looked to be a little nervous and uneasy, but I think anyone in her shoes would be having those emotions- she has a lot to live up to and she is being watched under the microscope very closely… all in all though, I think the fans were pleased and were excited to see her looking toned and happy to be back doing what she loves. I’ve included a few pictures of her incredible show costumes, as well!

I saw Britney in concert in Atlanta and she was amazing! It was so great to see the dedication that her fans have after the few years she has had lately.
Hopefully you get to see her soon!