Increasing my faith is something that has been a real eye-opener to me here lately… I’m going to a church that I love on a regular basis (Brentwood United Methodist), reading the Bible as much as possible, praying to God on a daily basis, and recently I was told about a book that is supposed to change your life and the way you live
forever. As I can be somewhat of a skeptic when people talk about life-changing movies, books, events, and so on, I decided I was going to check this book out for myself and see what all the fuss is about. Boy I didn’t know what I was getting myself into…
“One Month to Live” – this is the title of the book and to be honest, I’m only on Day 2 of the challenge and I can already feel a difference in the way I view my life, what I want to change, and what all I want to accomplish. The background of the book is this… all of us here on Earth tend to live like we’re guaranteed a tomorrow, we say “one day I’ll do this”, and we act like our days aren’t numbered, but in all actuality, God has a plan for each and every single one of us and we’re only guaranteed a today. This book is a challenge for anyone that decides to undertake it- you’re given 30 days to read the book and each day presents you with a different lesson under 4 guiding principles on how to live. It also encourages readers to face their own mortality and to live life to the fullest without having regrets. As you read a chapter a day, the authors present make it count moments, quotes on how to live each day, and then at the end of each section, you’re presented with questions to make you reflect on what you read and how you’re changing your daily life.
At the end of the 1st day’s chapter “The Dash”, you’re supposed to tell at least one person you know (a friend, family member, work associate, etc.) that you are reading the book- they are supposed to circle the date on the calendar and then ask you 30 days later if your life has changed from reading the book- well I’ve asked a few of my good friends to do this for me and hold me accountable to getting through the book within 30 days… we’ll see what happens.
The point of this post is to say that we all have doubts: doubts about our faith, our lives, our careers, our families, our future, but in the end, we need to have ultimate faith in God and how He guides us and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you’re looking for some clarity in your life, this IS the book to read… 2 days down, 28 to go =)
Hi! I’m a friend of Jenn Looney! I came across your blog from her blog updates. This blog just really hit home for me. I bought the book today and started reading Day 1 of the 30-day challenge! It never ceases to amaze me that God places the right person, text, or even blog in my path to help guide me through life! Thanks so much for posting this blog! 29 days to go!
Thanks again,