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Action-Packed Lifestyle


May 7, 2009

Sometimes I wish I could be a homebody, but then I look at the world around me and think just how much there is to offer, and I love the fact that I’m a run-around-town, grab-your-purse-and-go kind of girl… in other words, now that spring has sprung and summer is on its way, I am never home. Yes, sometimes I get a tad bit overwhelmed with my life, personally and professionally, but then I think about it logically: I’m 25 years old and one day, I’ll be married with children and will give up a bit of my independence so for as long as I can, I convince myself to go do as much as possible because you only live once, right?? With that being said, my life is going to be on a whirlwind the next few weeks (I do admit though, I’m VERY excited about all my travels coming up)

Tomorrow is STEEPLECHASE: my favorite day of the year is finally here! I don’t think my friends just know how over-the-top excited I get for this… basically, I mark it on my calendar every year and unless a best friend is getting married (you all better watch out!) I refuse to miss it. I’m a true southerner and yes, I do love to get dressed up, drink fruity drinks in cute cups, and prance around in sunglasses and big derby hats all day- can’t get much better than that in my book. I PROMISE to have lots of pictures next week to post- I’m pretty much obsessed with my dress this year and though the weather may not be perfect (cross your fingers and pray the forecast changes), we’re still going to have a fantastic time!!

Next Tuesday I leave for Denver: even though it’s a work trip, I am getting the opportunity to go to a Rockies baseball game with my friend Mac who lives out there which is sure to be a great time!! I’ve only been to CO in the winter, so I’m excited to see just how amazing the city is in the late spring/early summer – everyone I work with in Denver has been bragging lately and I’m VERY excited to leave Nashville for a few days since recently our weather has most closely resembled Seattle – to put it nicely, we’ve gotten A LOT of rain and I am in desperate need of some sunshine in my life!

Then in less than 2 weeks, we leave for Napa Valley, California!! I’ve been to CA a few times and have visited Los Angeles and San Diego, but this will be my first experience to San Francisco (yay- I finally get to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatrez) and Wine Country… we’re staying at an incredible place, Napa Valley Lodge, complete with champagne breakfasts and morning massages- I promise not to rub it in too much-haha! We’ve already scheduled tours at some of the local wineries and some unique ones like Jarvis with the underground caves and the infamous Rubicon Estate (formerly the Coppola winery) so I’m really excited to improve on my wine-tasting abilities – hopefully I’ll be able to teach some of my friends about how to sniff, swirl, and inhale the aromas (I sound like I know what I’m talking about, right??) It’s a much-needed vacation getaway for me and the boy and I couldn’t be more thrilled to catch a plane and get away for 5 whole days. Even better is my dad is letting me borrow his professional grade camera (Leslie- you’re going to be so proud of me) so I’ll have some amazing pictures once I get back to share with all of you!!

So there’s my updates for the next few weeks- it’s going to fly by and I doubt I’ll be posting a lot, but I promise to catch you up on my adventures once things settle down… Happy Friday Friends!

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