I wanted to go ahead and post a little something today for one of my best friends, Candice, who will be leaving tomorrow to make begin her
long journey to China – for her very 1st time overseas, she is venturing to Asia as a part of her MBA program at David Lipscomb. Believe it or not, she is getting credit for one of her classes for taking this 17-day trip (just imagine trying to pack 1 single bag for 17 days- oh it makes me crazy because with my poor packing abilities, it seems impossible). Last night, we all met for her going-away dinner at SATCO – we thought we’d partake in a little Tex Mex action since she’s bound to get loads of rice while she’s gone =)
And in even better news, she decided to start a blog for her family and friends so we can keep up with all her exciting adventures while she’s gone… you can visit her site
here! She said her bags are packed and she’s ready to go – she even purchased a spiffy new professional camera so I can only imagine how incredible her pictures will be! Good luck on this exciting trip Candice- I love you and will be thinking about you (and for my friends out there, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers while she’s gone) Love you beesh!!
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