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Happy Mother’s Day


May 8, 2009

This weekend is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate: Mother’s Day! Sure it’s one of those days that pops up in your head the day before so you scramble off to Hallmark (although I have to admit my card and present have already been bought this year so this doesn’t speak to me), but I like to think I appreciate my mom all throughout the year. She is one very special lady and I owe everything to her – she brought me into this world and has made it one filled with lots of love and happy memories and I feel so extremely blessed to call her my mother.

I don’t know what I would do without her as I constantly seek her out for guidance in my life, a shoulder to cry on when things don’t go my way, and the one person I know I can say anything to and she won’t judge me for it… she knows my good and bad parts, just what to say when I’m having a bad day, and just a hug from my Mom can turn a frown upside down. She’s an excellent listener, a true christian wife and mother, and I’ve learned so much from her that I can only hope I turn out just like her one day – she’s successful, determined, optimistic, and I think she brings out the best in so many people around her and I’m the lucky one that God chose to be her daughter.

Thanks for all you do Mommy- I love you the MOST! You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you’ll never know dear, how much I love you, oh please don’t take my sunshine away! OXOX

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