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Ham and Poppyseed Rolls


June 29, 2009

Last summer, my good friend Ryan introduced these tasty sandwiches to us at the beach, and now that it’s summer (with 90+ degree heat for the past 13 days!!), I thought this was a perfect time to indulge in this mouthwatering recipe once again… these are the easiest things in the world to make and I promise your favorite people will be begging for more — not only did we have them for our picnic dinner Friday night, but ate them between our pool sessions on Saturday, too!
FYI: the picture included here is one I found online; unfortunately, my camera is having “issues” and I’m praying that it’s only a malfunction and not broken since I have too many vacations coming up to not have a working camera to document the fun (keep your fingers crossed for me PLEASE!!)
1 package rolls (I used the Sara Lee dinner rolls- 12 pack)
1 package of sliced ham
1 package of swiss cheese(sliced)


1/2 stick of butter
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp chopped onion
dash salt
dash pepper
2 tbsp poppy seeds
Heat the ingredients listed below in the microwave for 30 seconds and then stir

Slice the rolls in the middle so you have a top and bottom. Layer ham and cheese it the bottom half. Replace the top half. Pour heated ingredients over the top of the rolls. Bake at 350 until heated through (about 10-12 minutes)

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