I got a little emotional last night when I had heard the announcement that Michael Jackson had in fact died of cardiac arrest after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center after suffering (what they think to be) a massive heart attack. I think for me it was like I lost a bit of my childhood since I had grown up listening to his music from the time I was young. After dinner with my friends at La Paz last night, I couldn’t help but turn on the TV to watch Larry King Live cover the developing story… even more interesting is the outpouring from fellow celebrities and their shock as to the tragic events that unfolded yesterday. Definitely a travesty and one that will hopefully be explained after the LA County Coroner performs an autopsy today– I know a lot of rumors are circulating about prescription drug overdose and his dependency on medications, but I hope people focus on the amazing accomplishments this talent delivered to not only us in America, but all throughout the world… truly one of the most talented individuals to walk the earth and I don’t think anyone can doubt that for one second.
My heart goes out to his children and his family most importantly. I know this whole ordeal will be played out over the next few weeks and what will surely be very public information, but they are in mourning and hopefully the media will respect their wishes during this very difficult time. I’ll be listening to his music and reminiscing about all the routines I did with his music when I took dance oh-so-long-ago…. and just because I can, here are a few videos from You Tube with some of my favorite MJ songs
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