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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Laughing So Hard Never Felt So Good


June 22, 2009

What a weekend!! I’m completely exhausted and am considering myself in “detox” mode… Knoxville was fabulous and I am so happy I got to spend some much-needed quality time with my 2 best friends — and the boys of course!!
Friday night, Jeff and I got into town and headed to Soccer Taco (our favorite Mexican) for some tacos and margaritas and then got ready to meet everyone at Rooster’s for some fun! After tequila shots, late night nachos, and a few beers, we headed home for a restful night’s sleep — little did I know what I was in for Saturday morning…
The Three Musketeers Together Again (Meg, Bev, and Me!)
Jeff and I at Rooster’s (Old Stomping Ground in Knox)

Me and Crawford (My Favorite Easter Egg-haha!!)
What do I enjoy doing on my days off?? If you said yard work, no that’s not too high on my list either, but sometimes you have to take one for the team — that morning, we got started on Jeff’s Knoxville house’s landscaping and ‘manicuring’ the lawn. Between Jeff, Kaye (his Mom), and I we got a lot accomplished on the house and it really made a difference. Now we just need another weekend to finish up the backyard before football season rolls around the corner…

Afterwards, we joined up with Meg and Aaron for my favorite for lunch — LONG’S!! Oh it had been forever since I had gotten to indulge in good a old fashioned hamburger and milkshake, and just as always, the pharmacy didn’t disappoint. This was Aaron’s 1st trip to Long’s and he was definitely impressed!! Then the boys decided they needed “guy time” to watch golf and relax on the couches out of the heat so us girls layed out for as long as we could stand, which was only about 2 hours because the humidity was horrendous! The tanning will have to wait til next week again unfortunately =(
My favorite picture of the weekend… my friends know and love one of our favorite words- when I saw this license plate, I just had to take a picture!!

And even more importantly, the restaurant I have been waiting for months to go back to — PASTA TRIO (yes, it sounds like this weekend trip was all about the food-haha). Last time we were in town it was closed, but thankfully Bev made reservations for us for Saturday night… definitely my favorite restaurant in Knox and if you’ve never been, I promise you’re totally missing out. We had a few stumbles along the way — the AC as out, they only had 1 server for the night, BUT we made the best of it considering we had 6 bottles of wine between 7 people (yeah you can imagine how much fun we had!!) Poor Jeff though… he got to “cool off” when Christian accidentally spilt a glass of wine all over him – he was such a good sport though and at least it was white!! Then, we went to Meg’s parents loft for dessert and wine as they were entertaining the Knoxville Art Heritage Society… so much fun and we met some very interesting people, too!
Look at his shirt… poor baby!!

Then Sunday morning, we got up and took Mrs. Kaye to brunch at Wokhay (very similar to Pei Wei) and then headed back home because Jeff just had to see some more of the U.S. Open — it’s funny how much I used to think watching golf was boring, but once you watch it, you get hooked. The final round is being played today and I can’t help but check what’s going on at ESPN online; he’d be so proud =) And even better, we got to round out our weekend by going to see The Hangover last night, which was AMAZING!! Right along the same lines as Old School and Wedding Crashers, if you are looking for a funny movie where you literally laugh the entire time, this is the movie to see. I kept having people tell me how funny it is so I had pretty high expectations, but I assure you, it’s as good as everyone says… I am officially now even more in love with Bradley Cooper and can’t wait to add this to my DVD collection as soon as it comes out- GO SEE IT!!!

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