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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{Can Cancer}


August 27, 2009

As I mentioned last week, Jeff and I went to a benefit last Saturday night known as Can Cancer for a friend of his, Jason Myers, who died of skin cancer in 2008. Not only were they friends, they were work colleagues and developed a great friendship during their time together. Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting Jason, but I can tell from stories I’ve heard from his loved ones and close friends that he had an insatiable zest for life and lived by the motto ” No Fun Haters!”

His girlfriend Trish organized the event and WOW, was it a success! When we talked to her on Sunday afternoon, the preliminary numbers for the benefit were coming in and she was estimating somewhere around $13K had been raised to benefit the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center. We had a great time celebrating with friends and I am so happy we were able to attend… can’t wait until next year!

P.S. The above is a picture of Jeff and I at the event as well as another photo of me and my friend Julia who I grew up with–you can check out other photos here

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