Happy Monday!! Hope your weekend was as relaxing as mine was… so nice to be able to spend time with friends and family and not have to travel out of town–for the first time in a long time, it actually felt like the weekend, and I enjoyed the beautiful weather outside, too!
Friday night, Jeff and I drove to the ‘Boro to hang out with my parents. They were so cute to have us over…my Dad needed to teach Jeff how to play Texas Hold ‘Em because he’s in a tournament this week while he’s at a conference in Washington D.C. We ordered BBQ from Jim ‘N Nicks and my Mom made one of my favorite pies–chocolate meringue!! It was to die for and she did so well since it was her first time attempting the difficult dessert. After a crash course lesson in the game, my Dad dealed us all in and we had so much fun playing with his poker set… then we took on my parents in Catchphrase, although they won 2 out of 3 times and now we owe them dinner-LOL!
Good luck in your poker tournament tomorrow baby– that jackpot cash prize has my name all over it =)
My Dad’s Official Poker Set
Jeff and I Taking on the Parents
My Mom and Dad–So Cute!!

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