Fact #1: Yes, I am a reality TV junkie…and I follow the characters after the shows are over
Fact #2: Anything you say as a TV persona can and will be used against you
Fact #3: Ed Swiderski is the biggest LAME-O to ever appear on The Bachelor/ette series
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–I love(d) Jillian Harris, but she needs some serious psychological help if she stays with this macho shovanist pig after everything he has said–and done–since he met her on the show. Reporting from
US magazine, Ed apparently told producers he wanted to come home (not for work like he mentioned, but because he had a girlfriend at home!)
The cat is out of the bag… his complete list of emails from Lindsey Johnson and other girlfriend Bethany Steffen are online and the Reality TV blogger Steve is now putting them on the web for all to see. He told Johnson he loved her and reassured her saying “You know I never took this thing seriously. In addition, I’ve let the director know that I would be doing the show for the wrong reasons as I am not, in any way, attracted to the chick.”
If she had picked wholesome cutey-pie Reid or hottie bo body Kypton I don’t think we’d be having this predicament… now she’s stuck with jorts man who is the worst dresser to ever walk the Earth–poor Jillian

I love Jillian too!!
Cute blog…I am new and a new follower!!