It’s almost time…tomorrow Jeff and I are on our way to the California Coast to visit his aunt, uncle, and grandmother in sunny Los Angeles. The last time I visited
southern Cali, I was 16 years old, so needless to say it’s been awhile. Whenever I visit the west coast, it’s like I am venturing into a completely different–don’t get me wrong, the people are great–but you just don’t get that gracious southern hospitality in the air like you do here at home.
What’s sad is that we only get to spend the weekend visiting because we have so many other things going on right now with our busy schedules, however, we plan to make the most out of our time and enjoy it to the fullest.
I’m hoping for warm weather, lots of beautiful sun (since we still surrounded with doom and gloom here in Nashville), and plenty of celeb sitings.. I know, I am such a loser! (I know you’re hoping for lots of pictures, though, right??)
On a sidenote: I have to admit I am a even more excited because I am going to start reading “Twilight” on our flight tomorrow and I have been told that once I start I will be addicted to the love story of Bella and Edward so I must be prepared to run out and get the other 3 books in the series… can’t wait!!
Enjoy a blessed weekend!!

Sounds like you are going to have a great trip {even though you have to cut it short}! I cant wait to see how you like Twilight!! Hope you are having the best week ever!! = )
Make sure you are ready to become obsessed before you start reading Twilight. haha, have a great trip!