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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{the great pumpkin adventure}


October 26, 2009

Yesterday afternoon definitely made fall official here in Nashville, as we went to our local pumpkin patch and then went to Jeff’s to carve our new friends! Living in Green Hills, a suburb of Nashville, makes it really convenient to find LOTS of pumpkins…within a mile of our apartment, there are 4 places that I know of-luckily, the church across from us had a big selection and what better way than to give our money to a great cause to support the youth group! Here are the pictures of our little family’s adventure–and yes, we have already agreed we are all going to buy houses next to each other one day so our fun traditions can continue =) 
Look at all those pumpkins!!
Jeffrey’s Little Punkin
BOO! Where is Meg??
Yay for Woodmont’s Youth Group
That’s some BIG Pumpkins
So Much Fun!!
Our Little Family– the Stonke’s =)
The Best Part!!
Our Funny Face!!
Meg and Aaron’s Scary Pumpkin
Ready for the Soon-to-Be Trick or Treaters!!
Happy Halloween!!!

  1. Rachel says:

    Cute pumpkins! Wish we could have joined in the carving fun! Next year… 🙂
    ps- hope you're feeling better!

  2. Cute pictures!! Looks like fun!

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