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Madness I Tell You


October 21, 2009

Ok, so I was gone for 2 days… that’s it-2 little days and I come back to a monstrosity of gossip and news and celebrity dish-WOW! Let’s break it down…
1. Everyone’s favorite Bachelor (NOT!) Jason popped the question to Molly this past weekend. I think it’s even funnier to mention he brought her back to New Zealand to propose to who he says he should’ve picked the first time. Lord, please don’t let them get their own reality show–I despise them
2. Patricia Fields {stylist and movie costume guru} is revealing little tidbits of juicy SATC details for the #2 movie… I found the article here if you want to check it out for yourself, but I warn you, don’t read if you want the storyline to remain a secret
3. Amy Winehouse got boobs—-ewww, ewww, and ewww! She is a disgrace… maybe should’ve spent some of the “enhancement surgery” money on rehab for her alcoholism and drug abuse??? Just my opinion, but I think she has bigger issues than the size of her bra cups =)

4. And last {but certainly not least}, everyone’s favorite “Real Housewife of NYC” is tying the knot AND expecting a baby!! I heart Bethanny Frankel and her Skinny Girl Margarita cocktail empire… she is going to be so cute prego!!!

Happy Hump Day Friends!!!

  1. Wow, wow, and wow!!! I cant believe that Jason's relationship actually lasted. I completely agree with you about Amy Winehouse, and I cannot wait till SATC 2!!! =)

  2. mackenzie says:

    jason and molly's relationship…. i give it 1 year! is that too mean to say? 😉 can't wait til SATC 2!!

  3. Monique says:

    Wow… That's good gossip!! What are your favorite gossip sites? I enjoy reading x17online.com 🙂

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