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{Wishful Wednesday…Costumes}


October 28, 2009

I have to admit, I am a little sad this year as I decided not to go-all-out and celebrate Halloween the way I normally do.. at a party or huge event with lots of friends dressed in their best! This year, Jeff and I decided to give out candy to trick-or-treaters and hang out with my parents. Though I am very excited about Saturday night’s relaxing festivities, I can’t help but be a little disappointed to not dress up for my favorite holiday =(. But thanks to Kelsey, I can at least focus on some of the uber:cute outfits out there and think about what I’ll dress my kids up in someday!

I wish I was six years old and going trick-or-treating
and my costume would be…
Is this not the cutest costume ever? The Little Mermaid has been my favorite Disney movie since I was a little girl and I swear I had to have watched it at elast 5 times a week… maybe that’s why I know all the words to the songs, huh? haha– Maybe I’ll recreate this costume for my 26-year old self next year and Jeff can be Prince Eric- he would kill me! And yes, I’d be sure to remember to put a fork in my hair too and get a bird for my very own Scully!

Halloween 2008- I was Alice in Wonderland =)
Halloween 2007–German Beer Girl!
  1. Caroline says:

    Too cute. I love the Alice and German girl costumes. I want to put Knox in a costume, but Fred won't let me. I even tried to buy him a birthday boy hat last night and Fred said no. He's no fun!

  2. I forgot to tell you that I LOVE your hair darker!!!

  3. Katie says:

    I saw some super cute mermaid outfits! I think it would be so cute for a little girl!

  4. Both of your outfits are amazing! I have a German Beer girl to wear this year too, I think. But, have yet to get it all together!!

  5. Tracy-Girl says:

    I just found your blog through Wishful Wednesday's and I love it. You were an adorable beer girl! I thought about being her this year for Halloween. Have fun relaxing and passing candy, that should be fun too! 🙂

  6. yay!! i would so be ariel too. with the fork FOR SURE. i was obsessed with that when i was little. i would sit at dinner and comb my hair with my {dirty} fork. SICK 🙂

    have funnnnnn on halloween. i actually think you should just go ahead and be ariel THIS year 🙂

  7. LawGirl says:

    You could dress up while you hand out candy if you wanted to! Although the kiddies might not appreciate the beer girl costume, lol. I stayed at home a few years ago and handed out candy and honestly, it was lots of fun!

  8. ps- im so jealous that you live in nashvegas. one of my best friends went to vandy and when i went to visit him…I FELL IN LOVE WITH THAT PLACE!!

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