I feel like it has been forever since I blogged last, but with the hustle and bustle of the long holiday weekend and too much traveling, I am sure you will forgive my absence… and what an incredible time it was. As always, the time seemed to rush by all too quickly, and I was sad to come home yesterday afternoon, but so happy that I got to spend my time off with not only my family, but with Jeff’s family in Hilton Head as well.
Here we are at my Aunt Michele’s house on Thanksgiving Day for lunch– that morning I was up early baking away {recipe post to follow} and was so pleased with how my desserts turned out! My family was sweet enough to take our pictures before we ate because we had to get on the road to South Carolina as soon as we had lunch.
My Uncle Robert, Aunt Denise, Cousin Lauren, and Her BF Patrick
Jeffrey and I
Step-Brother Justin, Mom, Dad, and Me
Add Jeff and My Little Family is Complete
That afternoon we drove almost 500 miles to join up with Jeff’s family in Hilton Head, SC… lucky for us, his Mom has a condo there and his entire family flew in from all over the country to have Thanksgiving at the beach–sounds horrible, right?? =)
Between plenty of seafood, and loads of sunshine on the beach, we managed to accomplish some Christmas shopping {and personal shopping too!} as well as beach bocce and much-needed relaxation time. Of course there has to be a negative right?? OH YES! Needless to say, we got stuck in the “Thanksgiving traffic rush” coming home yesterday and spent more than 12 hours in the Tahoe coming home–my bed sure did feel good after all that traveling
Harbour Town in Sea Pines– look at that bright blue sky!!
Jeff’s Family!!
Me and My Favorite Blessing This Year
Jennifer, Jeff, Kaye, and Me
The Beach View from the Condo
Hush Puppies at Salty Dog- YUM!
Hope you had a Blessed Thanksgiving, too!! OXOX

Sounds like a wonderful southern Thanksgiving!
Looks like so much fun! I went on spring break to Hilton Head last March and loved every minutes of it! It's absolutely gorgeous, I can't wait to go back.