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Eat This, Not That: Holiday Style


November 4, 2009

I don’t know about you, but I am most definitely NOT going to be one of the many people this holiday season who gain an estimated 8 to 10 pounds (I found this number on MSN for those who are wondering)… can you believe that??? Between potlucks and parties, I can see how easy it is, but I am here to help! In proper “Eat This, Not That” fashion (P.S. I love those books!) here is the breakdown for those of us who need a helpful reminder on how to handle the bulge that is sure to surround our tummies this time of year…

Main Course:
Eat: Oven-roasted TurkeyEat: Baked/Roasted New Potatoes
Instead of: Mashed Potatoes
Instead of: Roasted Ham
**a 4-oz. serving of oven-roasted turkey has approximately 80 fewer calories than a similar serving of ham

Side Item:
Eat: Baked/Roasted New Potatoes
**a one-cup serving of mashed potatoes contains nearly twice the calories and more fat and sodium compared to new potatoes {lucky for me I don’t eat these at all!}

Dessert: {my weakness}
Eat: Pumpkin Pie

Instead of: Pecan Pie
**it takes nearly an hour of jogging to burn off the 503 calories in a slice of pecan pie; a piece of pumpkin pie contains a more modest 316 calories and half the fat

Drink: Spiced Aple Cider

Instead of: Eggnog
**you can drink three cups of apple cider before equaling the calories in a single cup of eggnog; AND the cider has zero fat, compared to eggnog with its 11 grams of saturated fat

FYI: this was not to depress any of you out there– this was to help myself realize I can eat my holiday treats {in moderation} and if I choose wisely, I can sample a little more of the goodies  =)

  1. Alison says:

    Thanks for posting this. I don't intend to gain 8-10 pounds either!!! 🙂

  2. ChatTeaKathy says:

    Love this. I am definitely trying substitutes this year!

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