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Food for Thought


November 17, 2009

as i have previously mentioned, my company does a monthly birthday {breakfast or lunch} where we bring in our favorite foods based on the theme of that month: ice cream social, mom’s famous recipe, salad bar, chili cookoff, etc. for november, we are doing “anything but holiday” so we are supposed to bring any type of food that you will not find on your table for thanksgiving/christmas. for some reason, i am having a difficult time coming up with a fabulous idea for this: does anyone have recommendations and/or recipes you could send me for ideas?? {only caviat is it must be easily heatable (the microwave) or something i can serve cold}
i’d appreciate any and all help!!

  1. Mauri says:

    Corn Dip!
    (1) 8 oz cream cheese, softened
    1/4 cup mayo
    (1) teaspoon garlic powder

    Mix above together until smooth

    Add – (2) cans (drained) Mexican corn
    (4) chopped green onions (or as many or less as you want to)
    1/4 cup chopped jalepeno peppers (it depends on how hot you want it to be)
    (1) can green chilie's
    8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese

    Mix this with the top ingredients.
    Chill and serve with fritos.

    It's always a crowd favorite.

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