Can I ask one question: will someone please tell me what happened to October? One minute it was here, and the next… it was gone. I swear time flies by so much faster the older I get and then I sit and ponder trying to recap what just happened. I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween weekend. Mine was just what I needed–relaxation with family.
Friday night Jeff and I spent the night with my parents in Murfreesboro–after a wonderfully cooked home meal from Mom, we had game night and got our game faces on for more Wii action. I swear once Jeff and I buy a home the absolute first thing I will buy is a Wii because we desperately need our own to work out our competitive frustrations sometimes.
On Saturday, we headed to Franklin for Pumpkinfest, which turned out to be so much fun. We were a bit worried about the stormy weather, but it passed through in the morning and the afternoon was gorgeous. That night, we watched UT take on and dominate over South Carolina… I can’t help but get a little giddy each time I see Steve Spurrier throw his notorious cap and clipboard- gets me every time!
Sunday {the beginning of daylight savings time} proved to be quite interesting… after making it to church on time {or so we thought}, we quickly learned from friends we had missed our service even though we still have no idea how this happened–we set our clocks back and everything!! The rest of our day was spent househunting and hanging out with my parents again with a fun dinner at my Dad’s favorite place… P.F. Changs! I will now be on a diet all month trying to make up for the 6-layer chocolate cake we devoured last night, but very much worth it! =)
In better news, I’m not sure how many of you see that I have a running tracker on my blog, but as of last week, I reached my 2009 goal to run 500 miles and I’m still going– hoping to make it to 600 by New Years, but we will see how that goes…can I count my Christmas shopping at the mall as exercise??

Wow, good for you for running that much. That is absolutely insane. I am not a runner, so I just do not even know how this is possible. I can only run a mile before I want to die, so I could never do 500 or 600 in a year. lol