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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{thanksgiving fun}


November 4, 2009

I just happened to stumble across the cutest game via Social Couture. It’s called “Thanksgiving Box of Questions” and it’s the perfect game for family and friends gathered around the table for the holiday. My family loves all things games {Wii, Catch Phrase, Poker} so this is definitely something I can see them getting excited about… especially since we’ll need something to keep us alike and awake after all that turkey. Even better, it’s all-ages appropriate so the entire family can join in the fun! You can buy it here

  1. Blair says:

    very cute! we love playing games as well so it's always fun to find new ones!
    have a great day!

  2. Tracy-Girl says:

    That is so cute! Our family is a big game family… so fun!

  3. mackenzie says:

    so fun!! what a great way to wake everyone up after the turkey!!!

  4. mrs.mfc says:

    what a cute idea!! thanks for sharing!!

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