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{Wishful Wednesday… Genre}


November 18, 2009

Another hump day is here {is it just me, or is time really flying lately??} I think that with the changing of the time with it now being dark when I wake up AND when I get off work, workdays seem to go faster, probably because I’m not itching to get out in the gorgeous sun  anymore. With that being said, it’s time for another Wishful Wednesday from Kelsey— this week’s topic if right up my alley:

‘I wish’ …. my life was a movie, and I would want it to be an epic love story!
Cheesy, I know, but I have been called a “movie buff” from time to time… I can repeat the lines from any movie you give me from some of my favorites (I can’t even tell you how many times I have watched these movies)- Braveheart, Titanic, The Notebook, and Gone With the Wind. Back to reality though–no time for dreaming today–to much to get accomplished 

  1. Caroline says:

    I would watch it. I love those movies.

  2. These are good ones — very thorough choices! The Notebook, yes please!!

  3. Katie says:

    I could watch The Notebook over and over again!

  4. LawGirl says:

    I hear ya! I've always wanted a "hollywood kiss" myself!

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