with all this training going on for the 1/2 marathon (this week i have already ran 6 miles!), it seems that i need some extreme motivation… (1) training in the winter wasn’t the brightest idea on my part because the frigid cold is making it quite impossible to make it to the gym as frequently as i’d like, and (2) the mass amount of food that is at my given disposal not only at home, but thanks in part to the freshly baked goodies and hams sent to my office at work–wow, this is going to be harder than i imagined. with a tad bit of disgust and hatred because i constantly wonder how these ladies do it, i will be posting these pictures in my office to keep me going–what more motivation could you need?
The 2009 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
marissa miller {i love her!}
is this not the cutest lingerie ever???
and last, but certainly not least, heidi {i know she changed her last name, but i
don’t know what it is}klum — it is wrong to look this good 6 weeks after
having your 4th baby– you go girl!!
and now that it’s time to eat my lunch… surprise– i’ll be having salad

Last night, I also watched the VS fashion show.. Goodness, I need boot-camp haha! Think I'll join you and have a salad 🙂
Why was I not born looking like Heidi Klum? Its not FAIR!
Marissa's body is KILLER! I'm allowed to leave my husband for John Kraskinski and he's allowed to leave me for Marissa. Sad.
So I just watched the fashion show last because I had it DVRed and I loved it! I love watching those because it's such good motivation to stay in shape and work harder lol, and eat a salad haha! I have actually thought about doing a half-marathon myself since my weight loss. I watch Biggest Loser and at the end of these last couple seasons they have had the remaining contestants do a full one so I thought for the end of my journey doing a half might be neat but I don't know if I am up to 13 miles yet lol. I am thinking I am for sure doing a 5K though which will be fun! Can't wait to read more about your training and stuff, I know you can do it even with all these Christmas tempatations :o)! Have a great day!
i just did the same type of "motivational" post. their bodies are all amazing!
EEEK. I'll save this pics for AFTER the holidays. ah ha ha
I have this recorded but haven't watched it yet!! I am getting so excited seeing all these pictures! That certainly is motivation