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The Blogger BFF Award


January 21, 2010

A big thanks goes out to my fellow blogger Amber over at Fabulous, Young, and Newlywed… she was so kind to pass on this award to me {though I have been horrible at keeping up with my blogging ladies lately}.
Even better, this award was just recently created so I am happy to receive it! 
This adorable award pays tribute to those of us who have formed blogging friendships through this crazy social networking world, though we very rarely have the opportunity to meet. It’s crazy how reading peoples’ words can give you such a great insight to their lives and we feel an instant connection to each of them.
So I pass this on to the following ladies who are definite daily reads… I love seeing new posts, comments back and forth, and learning more about how wonderful they are!
Sarabeth at Make it Luxe
Ashley Carole at Grad School Prep

  1. Leigh says:

    Congrats on you award!!

  2. yay! congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on! i feel like we would def be friends in real life! lol


  3. Oh, what a fabulous award! Congrats!!

  4. Mrs. Potts says:

    Cute & congrats on the award!

  5. for the love says:

    Aww, you are too sweet. Yours is definitely one of my new favorite blogs. I always love your posts & look forward to hearing all about your wedding plans. Thanks for the award!

  6. Marian says:

    Awww, thanks pretty lady. You're the greatest!!!


  7. Ohhh YOU'RE the best!!! xoxo

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