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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{Dress for Success}


January 8, 2010

Finally, the most blessed day of my week is here… and it’s been calling my name ALL week. Why is that after we have short work weeks {due to the holidays}, it looks like there is nothing to look forward to after the rush rush of Christmas and New Years?? It’s like I bundle up for the rest of the winter and hibernate until I can see the green coming back in the trees and the temperatures actually go above 45 degrees- ahhhh! It can’t come soon enough for this summer loving girl!
To get you in the spirit, I thought I’d post some new looks coming our way this spring from some of our favorite retailers–even though I can’t shop right now, it sure is fun to browse! And better yet, I am featuring dresses because that tends to be my wardrobe staple–for work, play, and fun!! hmmm, maybe this will lead to a weekly “Fashionable Friday”??

Moment in Time Dress via Francesca’s
{those ruffles are to die for!!}

Chilltown Dress in Coral via Lulus
{oh how I love this color!!}

Ella Moss Stripe Dress via Nordstrom
{cute for the beach and rando sailing advantures-haha}
Ecote Scarf Dress via Urban Outfitters

Off-the-Shoulder Tshirt Knit Dress via Victoria’s Secret
Dandelion Wish Dress via Anthropologie

If I continue with this “Fashionable Friday” sharade, what would you like to see featured? shoes, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, swimwear??? I’m at your disposal on this!
Have a great weekend friends!! Hope you can enjoy some rest & relaxation– I will be working away on my calligraphy, cooking dinner for my sweetie, training it up at the Y {6 miles this week so far} and getting packed for my trip next week =)

  1. Sarah Mina says:

    Love the first dress–the ruffles and color are gorgeous!

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Caroline says:

    Cute idea. Just pic a piece each week and go from there. Have a great weekend! I'm hibernating!

  3. Cute picks! I am so ready for spring!

  4. I love the UB one. So cute!

  5. jayme says:

    love em all, but i think the first is my favorite! i can't wait until its dress and sandle time! i'm so over this nastiness called winter! 🙂

  6. LG says:

    I love the idea of fashion features on Fridays! Sunglasses next ! I am desperate for some new ones!
    PS so glad to find another Nashville blogger! Hope you got a snow day!

  7. mackenzie says:

    i owe the dress from V.S. and i LIVE in it!!! its sooo comfy and cute =) have a great weekend lady!

  8. I LOVE that first dress! I have a Francescas near me and always forget about it! I obviously need to go!

  9. Amber says:

    Love the idea of Fashionable Friday! Feature everything! Have a great weekend!

  10. The Wife says:

    Oh how I love Francesca's!!

  11. C in VA says:

    Great picks! You could do a feature on transition clothes that go from winter to spring.

  12. How have I never even heard of Francesca's?!?!?! WHAT, WHY!!!

  13. Have you ordered from Francesca's before?!?! I found like three dresses I love, but need help on sizes 🙂 Email me lady – seattlesmithsblog@gmail.com

  14. Teresa says:

    I am adoring that purple dress for you!
    Buy it now…I want to see your cute self in it!

  15. ChatTeaKathy says:

    I love ruffles at the bottom of a dress. I have a similar navy one, and I call it my dancing dress. It is so fun to bust some moves while wearing it 🙂 RE: Fashionable Friday. I think you should feature a different item every week! I look forward to it!

  16. I love all of them….great colors…
    I have two hours to blog hop tonight and am loving it. Happy New Year

  17. Juliana says:

    I love all of them…esp the purple and the coral one. I want them now!!!!

  18. Kristin says:

    That Ella Moss number actually makes me long for warm weather again!

  19. love the first dress!

    left you some bloggy love, go check it out!

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