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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Great Balls of Fire!


January 28, 2010

So, what do you think??? Compliments of Jenn at Munchkinland Designs, I have this uber:fabulous new blog design and couldn’t be happier!! She captured everything I asked for and was wonderful to work with… very talented if I do say so myself!! Hope on over to her site if you’re needing a “revamp” for 2010, too…

In other news, today is one of my dear friends’ birthdays… Miss Julie! She is joining the 26 club–we’ve known each other since college {through best friend Bev as they gre up together in Memphis}, but she quickyl became one of our close friends and I love her to death! Not only is she so much fun to be around, jam-packed full of energy and goodness, but she is quickly becoming my go-to girl for wedding planning–among other things of course!! We miss her now that she is back in Knoxville, but that’s just another reason for weekend trips east to see our girls… love you Jules- have a GREAT BIRTHDAY and an even better night 😉
Today also marks our first meeting with a potential wedding planner…my Mom and I are very excited to have someone join our “team” and dive in to the madness the next 1.5 years will bring–not sure what to expect, but I’m hoping all goes well. We have another meet & greet next week so we won’t be making any hasty decisions, but it’s exciting to hear their ideas and get a better understanding of how they operate–maybe one day I can make a career change and become an event planner, too! {hey, a girl can dream, right??}
And thanks to Jocelyn–another engaged friend–Meg and I get to attend our very first bridal show together this Sunday here in Nashville! The Bridal Brunch will give us an opportunity to drink champagne, munch on hors d’oeuvres, and mingle with some of Nashville’s best wedding vendors–photogs, venues, bridal stores, and stationery! Can’t wait to see what’s in store… and some other to-be brides that I love will be in attendance, too {Amber and Brittany} so this should be loads of fun for all of us
And a little quote to brighten your day:

Happy Thursday friends!! OXOX
  1. Kristen says:

    I love the new layout ~ so jealous!

    very good quote!

  2. Carly says:

    I love the new design! The yellow is so happy!

  3. Juliana says:

    Sweetie-I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  4. the new design is adorable! meeting with wedding planners is a blast–they have such amazing ideas! great quote, too.

  5. It looks great! Have fun wedding planning!

  6. mackenzie says:

    love the new layout!! & bridal shows are SOO FUN!!! you get sooo many ideas!! it's so exciting!!!

    oh & i could totally see you as an event planner, do it!!

  7. LOVE the new design and colors!!!

    Have fun wedding planning!

  8. capperson says:

    I love the new layout! Sooo cute!!!

  9. Teresa says:

    Love the quote!
    Happy wedding planning!
    Oh and the new blog design…fab!

  10. Sarah Wyland says:

    Love the new layout!

    Have fun wedding planning!

  11. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Love the new blog design! I can't wait to get one after we do our engagement pictures on the beach 🙂 Have fun with the planning 🙂

  12. WestSacHoney says:

    Love the yellow! Makes me think of sunshine that is finally peeking through our clouds today! Your gonna have so much fun planning! I'd love to switch careers and plan weddings!

  13. Amber says:

    I love the new layout too. Very cute! I can't believe you're waiting a year and a half to get married!!! It was a long time for me and I only waited 3 1/2 months! COngrats again!

  14. for the love says:

    Love the new blog look – so fun and upbeat! Have fun a the bridal show!

  15. Katie says:

    LOVE the new blog, A-DORABLE!!!

  16. Cute design! Is that your hand writing she used? Looks familiar 🙂 See you this weekend… that is, if the ice doesn't keep us from coming. Don't think it will though.

  17. Cute layout — I love yellow and polka dots!

  18. Brittany says:

    Your new layout is way too cute! I just love it 🙂

  19. It looks really great Natasha, and the yellow makes me happy!!!!!

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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