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{My Engagement Story…}


January 19, 2010

Yes friends and fellow bloggers… after many inquisitve questions about “how did it happen”, and “what did he say”, here is the breakdown of events from our engagement weekend in Charleston. Back up a few months:
Jeff and I had been talking about planning a weekend romantic getaway trip to a Southern city since last fall- after throwing out ideas including Savannah, St. Simon Island, and various others, we decided on Charleston, because I had never traveled there previously. We thought a long holiday weekend was just what we needed after the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
So last Thursday morning, we get up at the crack of dawn {actual prior because it was still dark} and head to South Carolina. Because our lovely Garmin GPS wants to save us time, we winded through small towns throughout our 8-hour journey for “added scenery”.
We get into Charleston around 2PM and head directly to the famous Palmer House where he had reserved the carriage house for us to stay…
After showering and getting ready for the afternoon/evening, we ventured out into the City to do some exploring and sightseeing–yes, we are so touristy =). Because Jeff had to take a conference call, we found a great little bar, The Blind Tiger Pub, and enjoyed a few cocktails while we talked about our plans for the trip, what we wanted to do, etc. Funny enough, I kept mentioning to Jeff to take it slow on the drinks as I had made reservations at a really nice restaurant later that night-hehe.
Then we headed back outside and ended up getting lost {again}, but eventually found our way back to Battery Park, which is only a short walk to our house–and yes, this is where it gets good–after casually talking about us and our relationship, Jeff started asking me questions about what I wanted out out life, what he saw in our future, and then got down on one knee and asked me the question every girl waits her entire life to hear.
Then of course, I start screaming and sobbing and throw my purse on the ground and just cover my face with my hands because I am so shocked. He pulled out the most gorgeous ring and had to ask me a whopping 3 times to marry him before I finally said yes. Of course I cried like a baby and told him how much I loved him and interestingly enough, a lady that happened to be walking by stopped and told us she had gotten engaged there almost 20 years earlier, which was really sweet.
So then Jeff told me we needed to head back to the carriage house so we could get ready for dinner and take a few minutes to call our friends and family..but when I walked in, I saw the lights were out, candles were lit, and our pictures were everywhere, and then the greatest surprise happened…
Our parents, along with Meg and Aaron jumped out and yelled “Surprise!”
At this point, I am hysterically crying and in udder shock as to what he has been planning for months. The short story is that they’ve all been in the know since September and have been plotting as a collaborative team to deceive little old me…and it worked! There goes my crime solving career out the drain =). That night, we headed to 82 Queen for dinner, where my Mom had revised the reservations to 7 people with strict instructions to the restaurant NOT to call me!
The rest of our weekend was spent eating major loads of seafood, taking in the sites, drinking lots of coastal favorites, and enjoying being in a far away land before coming back to life in Nashville.
To speak from from the bottom of my heart, my proposal was the most heartfelt and genuine experience I could’ve ever asked for. Jeff knew I would want to celebrate with our family and closest friends and I am so thankful that he made so many sacrifices for them to be there with us for this special occasion in our lives. Not only were we house shopping, combined with other daily stress and activities, but he has planning a full engagement weekend and completely stunned me. Yes, he took my parents out a few weeks prior and properly asked for my hand in marriage and my Mom and Dad said nothing would make them happier. I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world that God blessed me with such an incredible man that I get to spend the rest of my life with. Thanks to all of you for all your sweet words!! OXOX
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the best weekend ever:
Inside the Carriage House
Speed Racer walker… now I know why he was acting so strange =)
Right after he proposed!!
Notice the banner my Mom had made online– so sweet!!!!
After we changed for dinner… more photoshoot!
Dinner at 82 Queen= AMAZING
Drinks and Scrabble{at this point, we were exhausted}
Friday morning exploring, shopping, and celebratory drinking
My new fiance and me…YIPPEE
Saturday: reenacting the proposal play-by-play {poor Jeff}
Cheesing with the Family
Our 1st painting, courtesy of Mom and Dad, for our engagement!
And of course, because nothing says “official” like a relationship confirmation on Facebook
{I know my friends are dying laughing right now}
  1. Annie says:

    I just popped over from Kelsey's blog! Congrats on your engagement. What an awesome story…and a BEAUTIFUL ring. How exciting 🙂

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    Hahaha I love the facebook confirmation! It's not official until it's on facebook! Looks like you had such a special weekend! Congrats again, happy planning (and registering–you know that will be the best part!)

  3. That is so sweet! What a great story! And I LOVE the facebook confirmation! That is so cute!

  4. Meg says:

    Oh how I love it!!!! Especially the reenactment!!!

  5. OMGGG Congrats!!! So exciting! What an amazing weekend and a such a great story!!

    I look forward to hear about the planning process 🙂

  6. What a great story! And now y'all always have an excuse to go to to Charleston for your anniversary. 🙂

    Also, I love Blind Tiger, such a fun bar!

  7. Yay!! This is so wonderful! The pictures I'm sure don't do it justice! Happy planning, pretty girl!

  8. Rachel says:

    Aw, cute! Can we make Jeff do another reenactment Thursday night when we celebrate!? 🙂

  9. That is just so darn sweet!!!

  10. WestSacHoney says:

    I love the last photo! Hilarious gotta love social networking relationship status! Congrats again such a sweet story!

  11. What a wonderful story- I love that there happened to be someone passing who was proposed to in the exact same spot as you!

  12. ~*Katie*~ says:

    Your engagement story is so cute 🙂

    I just found your blog and I love it!

    I'm looking forward to reading about your wedding planning! 🙂

  13. Congrats on your engagement! Such a sweet engagement story!! I love that he included your family! I have a question, where did your mom find that sign online? I LOVE it and need something similar for an event. Have a great week girl!

  14. The Wife says:

    I am so excited for the two of you! I live in SC and love Charleston! Great place to get engaged!!

  15. Congratulations, what a beautiful engagement story! Your ring is amazing! I am so excited for you!

  16. Kristen says:

    New to your blog – courtesy of Kelsey!

    Cute blog & WAY cute engagement story, thanks for sharing!

  17. Okay, the facebook confirmation is PRICELESS!!! And, you look fabulous in all the pics — truly glowing. I love the Francesca dress you have on, which is so funny because I went back and forth on buying it after you taught me the little boutique!! YAYAY lady!!

  18. Awww congrats sister!!!!! SO EXCITING!! He sounds like a prince!

  19. omg that banner was perfect! yea to you and your upcoming wedding planning! great story!

  20. Kyle says:

    What a sweet man you are going to marry! Great story and again beautiful ring!!

  21. Catie says:

    Hi there. Just found your blog through Seattle Smith's. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Charleston. Your blog is very cute and congrats on being the big winner of a blog makeover. Lots of good stuff happening to you lately! Happy Wedding Planning! Love your ring btw 🙂

  22. congrats girl!! so exciting! xoxo

  23. YAY!!!!!!!!! Congratulations:) How cute is it that a while ago you left me a comment that you guys were planning a trip the same week I was going to Vegas and we would have to share pics, and your were of you getting ENGAGED!! Enjoy each and every second:)

  24. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Aw your proposal was so sweet! Yey! I love that he included your parents! So nice of your parents to buy that picture for you! Beautiful ring and lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing your proposal story 🙂

  25. Brown Girl says:

    OMG, that was so sweet and cute. Love the pics and your ring is gorgeous!!

  26. What a great story. Congrats again!! And love the last picture by the way (FB status), haha 😉

  27. AHHH I'm SO EXCITED for you! Your weekend looks (AND SOUNDS) amazing! Let's see an upclose picof that ring- I can kind of see it in your pics and it looks GORGEOUS!

    Congrats beautiful! xo

  28. Amber says:

    What a beautiful story!! I'm so happy for you. That will be a great story to share with your children and grandchildren one day. Congrats!

  29. awww what a sweet post! it even made me tear up!

  30. Marian says:

    Aw, what a great story. It sounds wonderful. And I'm a huge fan of the "reenacting the engagement" photos. So, so sooooo cute!!

  31. Risley says:

    congrats!! great story!

  32. so excited for you! you guys are such a cute couple! have fun with the wedding planning!

  33. Christina says:

    So sweet! My husband planned to propose on the Battery, but he left the ring in the car! We got married in Charleston too! I can't wait to read about your wedding plans.

  34. Leona says:

    Congratulations Natasha! What a great blog and fun read. That is so exciting about your new blog design that you won too! I can't wait to read more about your fun journey. Beautiful ring too!!

  35. LG says:

    All of your outfits in those pics are completely precious!
    Also I will be blogging about our best wedding gifts in honor of our anniversary so make sure you check that out to prepare for registering!

  36. Such a cute couple. Congrats!

  37. OMG congratulations girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you had the best time ever! And you went to 82 Queen!!! Did you love it??

  38. Jenna says:

    Congrats, Nat! It sounds magical! Your ring is sooo pretty too!

  39. Patience says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog. Congrats on your engagement. Your story is so sweet.

  40. very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia
    thank you

  41. Miss Kriss says:

    Your proposal story sounds absolutely fabulous, girlie! And all of the photos are wonderful! Congratulations!

  42. Mrs. Potts says:

    What a sweet sweet story & don't you just LOVE Charleston?

  43. Beach Belle says:

    Such a sweet story. Charleston is one of my most favorite places in the world and the perfect place to get engaged! Congrats!!

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