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{Training Day: Week 2}


January 5, 2010

After last week, I realized I have WAY too much consuming my already crazy around-the-clock life so I need to regroup and focus on what’s important… and obviously training for the 1/2 is one HUGE goal I fully intend to accomplish. This week’s training tips are brought to you by none other than Runner’s World {i.e. the BEST place for anything to do with running}: 

21 Tips to Get Motivated to Run: 
1. CREATE A BLOG where you post daily mileage, give out the Web address to your friends and family {I do this already!}
2. GO SOFT. It’s hard to stay motivated with shinsplints, so get off the pavement and run on a cross-country course or unpaved bike paths
3. GOOD-TO-GO PLAYLIST. A hyper-fantastic mix on your iPod will get you going like no other {I’m working on this now, but will not listen to “the one” until D-Day: April 24th because I don’t want to spoil my little bit o’ fun}
4. BLAZE A NEW PATH. Use your GPS and map new routes or checkout favoriterun.com or usatf.org routes, which use Google Maps to let you plan and save routes
5. EVERY MILE YOU RUN burns roughly 100 calories {huge motivation here!!}
6. RUN AT LUNCH. For two reasons: (1) You get your workout in before the day gets away from you; (2) You get a midday break from work stress. {too bad everyone at my office would run scared if they saw me after I workout}

7. HAVE A DAILY GOAL. Set goals not just for big races but also for workouts
8. MAKE A MASSAGE APPOINTMENT for the day after your big race– what a great idea!!!
9. IT’S SPRING! When warm weather makes it way back, get off the treadmill and run outside
10. WEARING A BATHING SUIT in a matter of months= no time to waste
12. PAY YOURSELF. Set a price for attaining a certain weekly mileage goal. When you hit it, pay up. Keep your mileage money in a jar, and once it accumulates, buy yourself that new running jacket you’ve been ogling. {or that beautiful Garmin I am desperately needing!!}
13. BECOME A RUNNING MENTOR. Once you get your neighbor, coworker, or significant other hooked on your favorite sport, they’ll be counting on your support, guidance, and company
14. RUN FOR A REASON. Do a race for charity. Helping kids with diabetes or women with breast cancer makes it much easier to get out the door
15. REMEMBER that you almost always feel better after a run than before it
16. KEEP A LOG. Keeps you motivated- when I don’t update my training log for a few days, I get so mad at myself for being a complete loaf
17. BE REALISTIC with your training. Sticking to a schedule of three workouts per week feels a lot better than quitting a more demanding plan
18. BUY A FULL-LENGTH MIRROR and make sure you look in it every day
19. FORGET ABOUT THE BIG PICTURE every now and then. Put away the training manual and race calendar. Quit overthinking it. Run for today
20. INVEST IN GOOD GEAR. For beginners, buy a good pair of running shoes to avoid injuries and clothes made of fabric that takes away moisture and prevents chafing
21. BE CREATIVE. If the idea of doing your regular 4 miles sinks you further into the couch, remember there are TONS OF OTHER ways to put in miles–flag football, spinning, zumba, etc.

Here is my training schedule for the week:
Monday 1/4: I completed a 3 mile Hard Run @ 9:20
Tuesday 1/5: Rest {to celebrate Rachel’s Birthday!!}
Wednesday 1/6: 4 mile Medium Run @ 11:30
Thursday 1/7: Rest
Friday 1/8: 3 mile Easy Run @ 12:00
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 4 mile Medium Run @ 11:00
**This is in addition to my weekly arm, leg, and ab workouts which I do 3 days per week

  1. Jenn Wade says:

    I love all of these tips! Thanks for sharing. SO fun having you as a resource and it motivates me every time I read your blog! 🙂

  2. I found your blog on My Brunette Reality's comments. I just had to follow. I'm going to start training for the Half next week. Some of my girlfriends are talking about running it. I love Nashville!!!! You might like one of my best friend's blog. She just started a new one "Not high maintenance, Just High Miles" about her marathon running and training. It's http://nhmjhm.blogspot.com/2010/01/half-marathon-1.html

  3. These tips are great! I just started training for a 10k and I was wondering how you train in the cold weather?

  4. Teresa says:

    Okay Natasha!
    I must pop back over here later to READ my heart out about running!
    Been putting some intervals into my long 3-5 mile walks!
    Seems to make a big difference!
    When is your run?
    Do you run inside before work in the a..m. or outside?

  5. Tracy-Girl says:

    Good Luck! The 1/2 is my favorite race of them all! (I have yet to run a full, though)

  6. Good luck with your goals! Cute blog – following you now!

  7. I just found your super cute blog!! I live in Nashville too!! So fun!!!

  8. Risley says:

    what a great list!! Im going to start to pay myself for each mile! what a great idea!!

  9. LenkaLovee says:

    thanks for the tips! those are great! i'm saving them! 🙂

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