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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Training Day… Week 5


January 26, 2010

I’m going to put it right out there and say this to get it off my chest, but I fell off the train this past week and was bad… not COMPLETELY bad because I still managed to run 8 miles, but I didn’t reach my goal for the week to run 14–so I am 6 miles under so far.
Not horrible–I know–but I tend to beat myself up when I don’t accomplish a goal so I’m smacking myself on the hand for that one, and will be working out overtime this week to get back to business.
Here is this week’s breakdown:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 miles @ 12:44 pace
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3 miles @ 11:06 pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 3 miles @ 10:30 pace
Sunday: Long run–5 miles @ 12:44 pace
And, this week’s tip from Runner’s World is how to avoid back injuries AND work on your posture at the same time… a thing all of us ladies can benefit from! Try these exercies at home: 
1. Back Extensions: Lie on your stomach on a weight bench. Move forward so your hips are at the edge of the bench, and your torso is hanging over. Have a partner hold your ankles. Keeping your body straight, cross your arms behind your neck, and slowly bend forward at the waist as far as you can while keeping your back flat. Slowly raise your torso until your legs and upper body are in a straight line again. Do not arch your back upward. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.
2. Double Knee to Chest: Lie on your back with both knees bent. Place your feet on the floor and your arms at your sides. Bring both knees close to your chest and clasp your hands around your legs, just below your knees. Pull your knees to your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

3. Seated Rows: Sit on a large stability ball facing a cable column or an elastic band tied to something stable. (If you don’t have a ball, use a stool instead.) Grab the cable or elastic with both hands. Sit tall and upright, and pull the cable toward you. Bring your hands to your rib cage and squeeze your shoulder blades together behind you. Hold for 1 second. Important: Do not bend forward or backward at the waist. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.

4. Press-Ups: Lie on your stomach and place your hands on the floor near your shoulders as if you were going to do a regular push-up. Slowly push your upper body off the floor by straightening your arms. Keep your hips on the floor. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Relax your arms back to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

5. Ball Bridges: Lie on your back with your arms at your side and your feet on a stability ball. Slowly lift your buttocks off the ground until your trunk and legs are in a straight line. Hold this position, and squeeze your lower back muscles and your buttocks for 2 seconds. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.

**Even better, you can subscribe to the Runner’s World magazine for only $12 a year– helpful hints, training programs, and diet/meal plans to get you going! Follow this link to subscribe =)

And just because every girl LOVES shopping, here are some of my new favorites in workout gear courtesy of Old Navy

Active Zip Hoodie {$29.50}
Active Racerback Tank {$16.50}
 Zip Pocket Running Capris {$19.50}

  1. Sarah Mina says:

    Those zip-pocket capris are super cute! I hate not having a place to put my keys when I go running 🙂

  2. Jennie says:

    I love Old Navy, and I love all the tips you gave today, thanks! 🙂

  3. you are awesome! week 5… go you!

  4. Teresa says:

    Hello There Natasha!
    Love the RUNNING tips and need those tips for the back!
    My back always aches up steady inclines on trails!
    Probably wouldn't have in my twenties! 😉
    You're an inspiration!
    How do you like UT's new coach!

  5. Katie says:

    I love your blog. It's just SO adorable! And way to go on the training! I ran my first half this past Dec. and it was the MOST rewarding feeling. Good luck in your training, you will do GREAT!

  6. Caroline says:

    Cute gear. Did you try that tank? How does it fit?

  7. Nicole-Lynn says:

    That's great!

    Cute clothes.. need to check out Old Navy!

  8. Old Navy has some super cute active gear that actually fits well and feels great when you are working out! I have found that some of the less expensive active gear rubs a little too much or does not offer enough support but Old Navy's stuff is great!

  9. I think it is amazing that you are on your 5th week of training! Don't beat yourself up too much you are doing awesome! I just got a pair of running capris and love them. The old navy ones look super comfy!

  10. Brittany says:

    I recently started following your blog and I love it! Thanks so much for always posting work out tips and such. I just started working out again (took off about 6 months) so this is really helping me to stay focused! The Old Navy clothes are really cute! I might have to stop in and get some.

    Have a good night 🙂

  11. Marian says:

    Gosh, I wish I could run that far!! Just get back on that running train. You'll catch up in a jiffy!!

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