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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wishful Wednesday {Hair}


January 6, 2010

Another installment of Wishful Wednesday is here, brough to you by Kelsey
P.S. have I mentioned how much I love her and her blog??
If I could have any celebrity’s hair, I would choose…
Reese Witherspoon!

Short hair, long hair, blonde hair, brown hair… this lady can pull it all off! Not to mention that she is the cutest thing in Hollywood and her kiddos are adorable– better yet, she’s a native Nashvillian like myself so our bind is even stronger =)
Have I mentioned I am over the whole brunette thing already??? I miss my blonde locks, but I’m still having fun with the change and I’m letting my hair grow so who knows what I’ll look like after a visit to the salon next week- haha…stay tuned!

  1. Oh yes, Reese has some of the most amazing hair!!!! It always looks great however she does it 🙂

  2. Oh I love her–and her hair!!! Cant wait to see your new do next week!

  3. we have the total same taste girl! I love her locks! Hope your having a great day and can't wait to see your new do! xoxo

  4. Caroline says:

    She is sooo cute!!! Love her style.

  5. Amber says:

    She is one of my favorites! Always so fresh, but her beauty is believable!

  6. Teresa says:

    Reese is a doll…and went to Harpeth Hall…right?
    update me please…
    you no longer have your blonde?

  7. blonde locks went away because my hair was getting SO damaged and i wanted to change things up a bit… have no fear, i will forever more be returning to a blonde before too long =)

  8. Teresa says:

    Had to pop back over and say…
    I'm delighted to have your BLONDE adorable self following my blog!
    Your southern smile makes me smile here in the Northwest!
    Yes…I will have to hear about what you did venturing out beyond THE BLONDE!
    I have only done that ONCE in my life!
    Sister and I were on a 4 month excursion in Europe!
    Blondes do weird things in Europe! You get into this mode of not really wanting to "stand out!" Especially when you are just with your BLONDE sister right out of college!
    So…got my hair cut in Paris!
    That was a complete disaster!
    Oh Lord!
    Then…since it had all been "knawed" off in Paris…I just decided to let it "grow-out" to natural color!
    So sad I did…
    cause my sister and I met the California guys of our dreams shortly after Paris…in Switzerland!
    Oh Lord!
    Why did I have to have grown out…dingy dark brown hair…when I meet the BLONDE California guy of my dreams!!!!!!
    When I got home from Europe…
    everyone was like…
    get the BLONDE back!
    Of course my Daddy liked it natural…isn't that just like a Dad!
    Now I don't wear mine as blonde as I use to…in college it was almost white…now I just like it the soft blonde!
    Can you tell I am passionate about blonde hair!
    This had gotten WAY to long!
    Delighted to find you!
    Let's talk Nashville soon!

  9. Nicole says:

    Love her!!! I have always loved the bangs with long blonde hair but I could never pull it off. Great choice!

  10. She seriously can pull off any darn look, and you can too doing a little swap-eroo with your blonde to brunette. Do you follow My Blonde Reality? She just did the same thing!

  11. Heather says:

    I love Reese's hair too! She is just plain gorgeous, so unfair.

  12. Love the hair! and I just found your site and wanted to say hi! 🙂

  13. I love Reese too! She's super cute. I was a blonde for FOREVER. But I got tired of my hair being damaged and the expense of keeping it up. I will probably be a brunette now for a long time.

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