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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Mail Makes Me Happy


February 18, 2010

So what arrived in my mailbox at work this morning you ask??? My new customized business cards from Katherine Clark at Hello Harbor… now that I am a bride-to-be, I have had the opportunity to meet with a lot of local Nashville wedding vendors and somehow {shameless publicity aside} it has come up in conversation that I do calligraphy–with a new home office coming my way sooner than later, I am hoping to ramp up my orders so I ordered my own business cards to help get the word out.
I have already have booked 3 orders for this summer so I best be getting my desk setup so I have lots of room to work–many thanks to friends for all their support!!
Take a look at my pretty cards… oh how I love them =)

  1. Those are fabulous, girl! So simple yet perfect! LOVE!

  2. Marian says:

    Um, I love them!! They are absolutely fabulous!!


  3. Ali says:

    I love them! Love the pink and grey!

  4. Brittany says:

    They look perfect! I ♥ them!

  5. Kelly Marie says:

    LOVE them! They came out so good!!

  6. These are spectacular! Tres chic. And wow – I will definitely be calling on you in the near future – so nice to have a great calligrapher so close to home!

  7. melissa says:

    Beautiful! Planning your wedding will be a great way to spread the word about your business. How perfect!

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    I love the pink and gray together! Much cuter than my boring, corporate cards 🙂

  9. Katie says:

    Oooh these look good!

  10. Caroline says:

    I love the cards! Beautiful!

  11. Sarah says:

    Your new cards are great! Cute color combination!

  12. Rachel says:

    They look so cute! Good choice!

  13. KJ says:

    I just came across your blog and I LOVE it! 🙂 congrats on the new business cards- they are adorable. How fun that you do calligraphy. I hope you get LOTS of new business.

  14. Amber says:

    Chic and classy. Love it!

  15. I love them!! The font and colors are so cute!!

  16. Your business cards are adorable. Simple but pretty and I love the font choice!


  17. LG says:

    If only i had known this last week! I just mailed out a bunch of Bridal Shower invites and i have TERRIBLE handwriting! Mail me a card!

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