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Operation Organization


February 25, 2010

I have had mutiple people email me/ask me/tell me how organized I seem to be with all of my wedding planning… now trust me, we all know I have already had one meltdown and I am sure others are on the horizon, but this is what is keeping me sane:
1) My handy-dandy wedding planning notebook–I looked EVERYWHERE for something to keep me efficient, from Russell + Hazel to Barnes & Noble and tons of places in between, but still couldn’t find “the one” {nor was I going to spend $75 on a binder} so I created my own and I couldn’t be happier with the end product:
Some of the tabs I created for each important wedding component
{trust me, there are like 10 more}
2) You’ll also notice my daily planner–my moleskine! If you don’t have one of these, seriously you’re missing out! This keeps me on track with my workouts, important dates, and everything in between and I love it–small enough to carry with you, too!

3) My extreme Type-A personality: though sometimes I like to make decisions on a whim {yeah right!!}, I do find it necessary to  have my life mapped out at all times… I can double check my lists and cross off my to-do items one at a time–having 16 months to plan your wedding is also an added bonus

So there you have it: it may not be the right way, but it’s my way and The Knot and Wedding Wire dont’ have anything on my wedding planning abilities- haha! Do I see another hobby in my future? 😉

Now if I could only be so direct in my purchase on a couch from Pottery Barn…I’m stuck between these two gorgeous couches below, but with all these fabrics and options, my visiting guests will have to sit on the floor for months while I ponder because of how many choices they have–yikes!!
The Tyler Sofa
The Buchanan Couch
And just SOME of the colors I can choose from
Have any of you ordered a custom couch from PB before? How long does it take, did you love it in person, etc? Any advice and guidance is welcome!! Have a great Thursday friends

  1. I ended up making a "wedding binder" too! I also have a planner similar to yours! I don't even want to think about what would happen if I lost my planner/binder. Though, I have put my contact info in both incase that happens. Yes, I am that anal! HA! Making a "honeymoon" tab is such a great idea!

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    I love the Tyler sofa! And the green ogee print–my duvet color and shams are the same print. Gotta love pottery barn!

  3. Caroline says:

    I had a binder. It was great. I also printed out a guest list and would add what present I got from them out beside their name. It really helped with writing thank you notes. Love the couches!

  4. Teresa says:

    Natasha…I adore your wedding notebook…Yeah! Just fabulous! And I am going to checkout that Day Planner!
    We just recently ordered custom sofa and chairs and ottoman from PBarn!!!
    Oh how I would love to tell you all about it!!!
    Just email me:
    and I can tell you about our experience! :o)
    You can see my sofa on my blog…in the slideshow at the top right! ;o)
    Happy Day!
    Still can't believe you are getting married at Scarritt Chapet!!!

  5. melissa says:

    Your wedding binder is fabulous! I did something similar, though not nearly as neat. (I scribbled the names of the divisions on the tabs!)

    Both beautiful choices on the couch, but I think I love the Tyler just a bit more. And just my two cents on the couch, I'd steer clear of choosing white or cream unless the couch is slipcovered or has washable cushions. I used to have a white couch and found it so hard to keep clean, even with just my hubby & I, no kids or pets. But, that was just my experience & it sure does look pretty in white!

  6. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Your binder and organization is key! There is so much to do, and it's definitely best staying organized. I made a binder the week after I got engaged and it's been fun adding pages to it and keeping track of things. I am waiting on a monogrammed tote I ordered, but once I get that in I'm going to do a post about the binder and how I stay organized on my blog soon 🙂

  7. Sarah Wyland says:

    Oh, us Type A folks always make decisions on a whim! I'd be lost without my planner and color-coded dry erase calendar on my wall. Oh, and Google calendar. Google can rule the world.

  8. Sarah says:

    LOVE both of those Pottery Barn couches…but I'm veering toward the 2nd one!
    I absolutely love your wedding binder idea—I use notebooks/journals for everything…parties, showers, trip planning. Right now I'm working on a handwritten book for my favorite recipes, divided into custom sections set up just for me (not just the same old desserts, entrees,etc.)

  9. I'm so OCD with my planner, it's not even funny! I'm SO Type-A, too, haha!

    LOVING the one you made though! Very cute!

    I can see why you're having a hard time deciding on a sofa…they are both gorgeous! I've never ordered anything custom from PB, but everything else I've ordered from them has been fabulous!

  10. kate funk says:

    We are so similar in the way we stay organized, you have to do what works and this system works for me too! But were human, we can't make everything perfect!!!

  11. I am completely obsessive about my planner too! I have to be organized at all times otherwise I am just a mess! You are not alone 🙂

  12. I just left you an award on my blog =)

  13. Jen says:

    So funny because I made my own "wedding binder" too! I had bought a few and looked through ALL of them at a few book stores and never found one as all-inclusive or detailed as I needed! i guess nothing really exists out there to satisfy the super-organized bride!

  14. Super cute planner!! I LIVE for mine too – lifesaver!

    Ps – went to the local taco 2 nights & guess what I saw on the way?!? Your sweet new home!!! Adorable! xoxo We MUST grab drinks soon – considering you can WALK to so many places 🙂 Congrats girl!

  15. just found you through Julie @ Brown Eyed Belle – aren't you just the cutest thing ever! Cant wait to follow along

    Besides, I cant resist reading the blog of a well organized lady!

  16. LG says:

    GOOD LUCK on your couch purchase! I have not ordered one from PB but I did order from another company. My advice would be to not get a printed one but something neutral just because your taste or style may change over the years and that will be easier to decorate around! I also liked the style couch with bigger arms. We have low arms on our couch and they are kind of annoying!
    Loved the binders!

  17. LG says:

    Oh i forgot to say that RealSimple.com has some great bridal planning sheets you can print out for your binder!

  18. Hailey says:

    I know this post is forever old, but did you punch holes in everything or put them all in clear protectors? I am still trying to get my binder together and I can't seem to get it just right? What other tabs did you do?

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