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Wedding Wednesday…The Reception


February 3, 2010

I love how so many fellow bloggers participate in another weekly tradition for “to-be brides” cleverly known as “Wedding Wednesday”… luckily enough, I can jump on the train until June 2011 and talk about all the exciting details of planning my dream wedding.
I know I teased a few of you with not spoiling the venue for our reception, but as of today, the contracts will be signed and we will have secured our venue.
An easy task: no–being the detail oriented and uber: right side brain person that I am, I had to check what seemed like EVERY venue in Nashville before I was able to commit to a reception venue, but I am 100% happy with my decision and am excited to see the finished product.
3rd aVenue South is a 15,000 square foot event facility located in downtown Nashville, one block from Broadway, and across from the Schermerhorn Symphony Center. With its exposed brick details, historic charm, and open floorplan, I love the fact we can transform it into whatever we want. Because we are having a traditional ceremony, we wanted our reception to be a bit more “modern and fun with a taste of everything Nashville” and I think we found the perfect place to blend the two.

Here are some pictures from other receptions at aVenue that I just LOVE!
**images from McLellan Style Photography


So what do you think???? I’m elated I got the place I fell in love with and another HUGE check on my growing wedding to-do list =)

  1. I LOVE your wedding venue! Its gorgeous! I found your blog through Taylor's. If you need any invitation type stuff, monograms, stickers, programs, save the date magnets or whatever come look at my blog! I am trying to get my business started so I am doing pretty much everything at cost right now! So its a super cheap way to get custom invites and stuff!

  2. Girl you are on the ball! I'm so excited to follow along as you reveal the details!

    I think the reception site is gorgeous and you will really enjoy all of the options you have with such a gorgeous blank canvas.

  3. What a beautiful location!!!!! You are so on top of things!

  4. PinkSass says:

    Wow, what an absolute beautiful location. I'm excited to hear more and more about all your wedding planning.

  5. Amber says:

    such a cool place! it will be beautiful!

  6. Patience says:

    I love it. I think it is beautiful and breathtaking. I love reading everyone elses Wedding Wednesday.

  7. Kristen says:

    how gorgeous. I can't wait to see pics of how you decorate it!

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    It's beautiful!!! Are you going to have a theme?

  9. How exciting! Can't wait to hear more wedding updates!

  10. melissa says:

    Beautiful. I'm so impressed with how quickly & efficiently you're making these decisions. It took me nearly 6 months to commit to a plan. (Probably because I was trying to talk everyone into a wedding in my parents back yard – to no avail.)

  11. Hodge Podge says:

    Excellent choice! I went to an event there last winter and it was gorgeous!!

  12. Risley says:

    Its so pretty!!

  13. Aly says:

    It's so pretty! I love the venue!

  14. The Wife says:

    I love the look and feel of this place!

  15. ohhhh it looks like a fabulous place!!!

  16. Brittany says:

    I love your choice for the venue! It looks beautiful 🙂

  17. Jenn Wade says:

    Hey sweetheart – you know this is where Wendy Linville Davis had her reception…and I was her wedding planner 🙂 Ha. You'll LOVE this place. And you'll love working with Randi and Lauri (assuming they are both still with Hospitality Consultants?)! Happy planning, my dear!

  18. Congrats on booking your Venue. That is always a relief to have that selected and booked 😉 It looks really cool!! Good choice.

  19. It is absolutely beautiful! I am so excited for you that you get to plan all of this, I had the best time ever-and you are so on top of things!

  20. Tiffany says:

    It looks gorgeous!!! It will be so fabulous, fun and classy!! How exciting to have it all picked out!

  21. I just found your blog today and I'm a new follower! Your venue looks awesome, actually its really similar to mine here in Seattle, I'm getting married July 31!

  22. WestSacHoney says:

    Oh love the venue! Can't wait to see how you decorate it! I like how it looked so high end in the last photos but so relaxed and mellow in the first few.

  23. Marla says:

    It looks very pretty! 🙂

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