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What a Day!


February 8, 2010

Wow, talk about a good Monday… I just found out not only am I getting a really good raise at work for my performance in 2009, but I am also getting a promotion!!! Neither of these were expected since my company has stressed the “economy” and all things that took a toll on everyone’s pay this past year and the promotion–completely unaware that was even in the works–so I am very blessed that my boss and colleagues are rewarding me for all those long hours and busy days =)
Very exciting day in the life of Natasha- wahoo!!!
God definitely has a way of showing you everything happens on HIS time, and I am more than humbled by that. Now, back to more work–unfortunately! Hope everyone has a GREAT day

  1. congrats!!! fab monday for sure!

  2. Patience says:

    What a great way to start the work week.

  3. Jenna says:

    that's awesome! Congratulations 🙂

  4. Kelly Marie says:

    What a great start to the week!! Congrats (:

  5. Wow! Congrats! that does make for a great day!

  6. Congrats! No case of the Mondays for you!

  7. Jenn Wade says:

    Good job, sweetheart! Well deserved, I'm sure 🙂

  8. Wow that is great!! Congratulations…. Keep up the hard work =) Looks like 2010 will be your year to remember with your job as well as all your wedding planning and events 😉

  9. Sarah says:

    Woohoo! Thumbs up to you! Hope you're going to go out and celebrate tonight!

  10. Marian says:

    CONGRATS!!! That is such great news

  11. That's awesome. Congrats, girl!

  12. WestSacHoney says:

    Congrats! It's always good to know your hard work pays off without even knowing it too! What do you do for work?

  13. The Holmes says:

    Congratulations! Nothing is better than getting a suprise raise and promotion!

  14. Katie says:

    CONGRATS! That's fantastic news and something to be VERY proud of!!! 🙂

  15. Kristen says:

    Way to go! It is nice when your hard work pays off ~ what a fabulous way to start the week!

  16. Neely says:

    Congrats girlie! Hard work def pays off 🙂

  17. Congrats on the raise AND promotion! Not a bad Monday at all!

  18. CONGRATS – that is awesome news………..and very rarely heard by many in the last few years because of the crappy economy!

    GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!

  19. Heather says:

    Congratulations on the promotion…so exciting!!!

  20. That's awesome!!! GO YOU!

  21. Brittany says:

    Now that's the way to start the week 🙂 Congrats on your raise AND promo!!

  22. Tracy-Girl says:

    Congratulations, girl! That is so exciting, and such a wonderful way to start your week!

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