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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wishful Wednesday… Novel


February 24, 2010

She’s back =)… yes Kelsey is finally back from all of her traveling adventures, which means another installment of our favorite ‘Wishful Wednesday’. I had to think long and hard about this week’s topic:
‘I wish’ …. I could play a character’s role in a book and
it would definitely be Mary Poppins!
You can call me a nerd, but growing up I watched this movie over and over again–sorry Mom! I even dressed up like her one year for Halloween… how can you not love a nanny that pulls anything and EVERYTHING out of her magic carpet bag and takes you on trips to far-away lands where you ride ponies, have lunch with penguins, and sing the most fun song ever–Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious {I think I spelled it right}. She is practically perfect in every way, gives you cough medicine that tastes like strawberries to make you feel better, dances on rooftops, and gets to fly! Now wouldn’t that be the life???
And yes, even now, I sing the clean-up song whenever I have to tidy up because it makes the task far less horrible… “in every job that has to be done, there is an element of fun… you find the fun and SNAP! the job’s a game”

  1. melissa says:

    What a great answer – I love it! Still one of my all time favorite movies. I don't know that I've ever read the book though.

  2. OceanDreams says:

    I love it too – her job would have been so much fun!

  3. Marian says:

    Ahh, such a great answer!! And who wouldn't want a small purse that can fit EVERYTHING in it;)

  4. Emily says:

    So cute! I loved Mary Poppins as a kid. I think I need to read it again now!!!! Cheers!

  5. Such a cute answer!! How fun!

  6. mackenzie says:

    ohhh 100% with you on this one!!!! have you seen Mary Poppins on broadway?!?! SO GOOD!! a must see in NY! =)

  7. Neely says:

    Love your choice 🙂

  8. adedman says:

    I have photo of your mom dressed as Mary Poppins.
    love your blog

  9. I seriously don't think it gets any better than the fabulous Mary Poppins!!! Yay for being back 🙂


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