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Wishful Wednesday…Spotlight


February 3, 2010

I’ve been a slacker and haven’t had time to participate in Kelsey’s weekly fun for a few weeks so my apologies, but I’m back at it this week:
‘I wish’ …. I could have stolen Beyonce’s
spotlight at the Grammy’s!

1. this woman can sing like no other
2. she can perform and mesmerize an entire audience
3. she performs in killer heels, and for that, i give her props
4. and not to mention that she walked away with a record SIX grammy’s in 2010

  1. Laura Brown says:

    good choice! I pick Beyonce too! Her performance was amazing!

  2. Great choice! I love that song!

  3. Caroline says:

    She rocked it. Love the new blog!

  4. Neely says:

    Hi there! im a new follower and I love your blog…I would like to steel beyonce's husband haha

  5. Tia says:

    She was awesome!! I can't imagine dancing in those heels!

  6. Risley says:

    I love her too!! she was great!

  7. Can you imagine how much her feet must hurt at the end of the day? I know that when I go out wearing heels and am dancing or standing all night by hour 5 I want to rip them off!

  8. She is always so positive and encouraging to others! I love it not to mention she is PHENOMENAL!

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