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Exhausted But Happy


March 8, 2010

Moving, boxes, and running–OH MY! That is pretty much what consumed my weekend, but I’m happy to report that we have officially moved in the house. The clothes are in, the master bedroom is set up, and our pantry is stocked with the essentials to call our house a home.
As soon as I left work Friday, I went home to start loading up my car with clothes… 4 car fulls later {yes, I know, that is pathetic} the closet went from looking like this:
to this:
And yes, for those wondering, I let Jeff have 2 of those racks and a shelf for his foldables… rather generous, right? And my apologies for me looking like an Oompa Loompa–the fiance isn’t the best photographer which is why I rarely let him capture Kodak moments =)
Saturday morning, I got up and FINALLY figured out my Garmin! 1) this thing looks funny on my arm because it’s huge, but 2) it is the greatest thing since sliced bread… I don’t think I will ever run outside without this bad boy!! P.S. thanks to the ladies who were so helpful in sending me hints on how to use–your advice definitely paid off! I met my goal of 8 miles, which I never thought I’d get to and surprised myself with actually running faster than I expected… a 9:38 pace so a pat on my back for that!
The rest of our day was spent moving bedroom furniture, boxes, and other miscellaneous items and then went out that night for more furniture shopping–after 8 different stores, we found the PERFECT nightstands so coming this Friday, these little darlings will be on both sides of our master bedroom:
Sunday was spent organizing, cleaning, shopping for groceries, and then watching the Oscars–such a glamorous life, right??? Thankfully we had friends over late yesterday afternoon to enjoy the sunshine and it made me so happy to know we can have lots of fun in the coming months!!
Just SOME of our glasses… and yes, a lot of these will be making their way to Goodwill ASAP
Our fully stocked kitchen pantry!!

  1. Go girl! Looks like you have made some great progress moving in!

  2. Yay for your move:) Your closet looks fab, and Congrats on the 8mile run!

    When you pick your glasses for your registry you must share:)

  3. Kelly Marie says:

    Congrats on the 8 mile run! What a great pace!!! I can barely convince myself to do my 4 mile run tonight haha (: The closet looks great, & I agree very generous to give him all that space!

  4. yay- so very exciting!!

  5. Keri says:

    Congrats on the move AND on the 8 mile run! Such a productive weekend 🙂

  6. Risley says:

    I love to move!! lol
    I love being able to have a fresh/clean start!
    it all looks great!

  7. Caroline says:

    looks like your hard work is paying off! Congrats on the 8 mile.

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    congrats on the move! looks like things are coming along nicely and it sounds like you had a great run, 8 miles is awesome!!

  9. How exciting! Congrats on the move—the after shot of your closet looks great. Wish we were move—not until June! XO

  10. Sarah says:

    ahhhh, LOVE the closet and LOVE even more that you color coordinate!! thought i was the only one! 🙂

  11. WestSacHoney says:

    Happy Closet!! Oh so exciting. When we first moved into our house I gave him the BIG side of the closet I'm talking like double the space. But I also had the second room closet for shoes and dresses, the hallway closet for coats. But a few weeks ago I just couldn't stand it any longer I switched his clothes from the big side of the closet to the smaller side.. Hehe.. So what snazzy features does your Garman have?

  12. Nicole-Lynn says:

    You're getting so much done with the house, that's great!

  13. melissa says:

    Congrats on all the progress with your move. How much do you love that closet?!?! It's fabulous! And way to go on the 8 mile run. I can't run ONE mile at a 9:38 pace!

  14. Your closet looks like a dream. Good job on the 8 mile run too, it sends motivation over to this girl, and for that I thank you!

  15. Amber says:

    That's a pretty well stocked pantry for your move in weekend! Looks like you have a great start. 🙂

  16. LG says:

    great progress! I love that closet!

  17. Your closet is so HUGE!! and very nicely organized 🙂 that's awesome! Cute place, I am so excited for you that it's all coming together!

  18. kate funk says:

    So jealous of this closet!!!

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