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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Older and Wiser… Yeah Right!!


March 12, 2010

This weekend my wonderful fiance turns 26–he claims that I am a “cougar” because I am a mere 8 months older than he–but we all know I am the one who looks and acts much younger =)
Being the dramatic that he is, this is the play-by-play of our morning conversation:
Jeff: “I don’t want to get older”
Natasha: “Growing older is a good thing babe… that just means you have more life experiences and laugh lines from all the amusement I add to your life” {see, glass always half full-haha!!}
Jeff: “That is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard”
Natasha: “Well then if you’re so upset about it, we don’t have to celebrate this year”
Jeff: “Oh no–I want birthday baked goods and presents”
What a baby!!! And yes, I can see my girlfriends laughing out loud because they know this is EXACTLY how Jeff is…
This weekend, we’ve got Amber’s birthday dinner tonight, moving party with friends Lauren and Andy tomorrow morning {yes, Broadway I’m making breakfast muffins for you!}, picking up our nightstands in the afternoon, and then heading to Murfreesboro for more furniture shopping and dinner with my parents to celebrate Jeff’s bday. Sunday we have church, my long run day, and then I am cooking a seafood feast for Mr. Spectacular.
So here’s your birthday tribute baby–I love you Jeffrey Edward!! Thank you for adding so much life and happiness to my existence… I can’t imagine how different my world would be without you in it. God truly blessed me last year when He brought you into my life in a different way than I could have ever imagined and He was really looking out for me and my heart’s best interest. You complete me in every way and I love you more and more each day. You have my heart, always and forever–OXOX
Happy Weekend Friends!!

  1. My hubby's birthday is this weekend as well! 🙂 Hope you guys have fun celebrating!

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    You guys are too cute together! Sounds like you are going to have a busy weekend, have fun!

  3. Brown Girl says:

    Happy Birthday to your future hubs! You all make a beautiful couple!

  4. Happy birthday, Jeff! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Kelly Marie says:

    Happy Birthday to your fiance! Hope you have a great weekend celebrating!!

  6. Sarah says:

    Aw…you guys are so cute together! Happy birthday to your boyfriend!

  7. mrs.mfc says:

    Cute pictures!! Happy birthday to your fiance!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend

  8. Tiffany says:

    Super cute pictures! It sounds like y'all have a full weekend! Have fun and happy birthday to your honey!

  9. Brittany says:

    Goodness, you sure do celebrate a lot of birthdays in March! I hope you two have an awesome weekend 🙂 You make a great looking couple!

  10. Silvia says:

    So sweet.. I hope he has a great day!

  11. Jules says:

    Happy Birthday to Jeff! I hope you both have a great weekend. It sounds busy, but fun!

    I love the cute photos you posted of the two of you.

  12. Happy Birthday to him! I hope you two have a blast this weekend and that you spoil him with all your love and kisses 😉

  13. kate funk says:

    Such a cute post! Love the photos. I am obsessed with your dresses!

  14. awww what a sweet post! sounds like a fabulous weekend!

  15. oh my gosh yall are seriously the cutest thing ever!

  16. Adia Belle says:

    I love how boys are secretly more like girls that we think! He still wants birthday baked goods and the whole shi-bang!

  17. Jen says:

    What pretty pretty pictures! Happy Birthday to him!

  18. jayemarie says:

    We celebrated my boy's b-day this weekend too! That's so funny about the cougar. I'm a little older than him too. They are lucky guys 😉 I loved the b-day post in pictures. I wasn't sure what to do for his but had a lot of fun writing it. Love the picture idea. Hope you both had fun.

  19. I love you two together so much!! Such a beautiful couple 🙂

  20. Marian says:

    You two are adorable!!!

    End of story:)

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