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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Random Musings and Thoughts


March 4, 2010

Can you believe it??? I don’t have ONE certain topic I am posting today, so this is going to be one good old RANDO post with a bunch o’ goodness thrown into the mix for your reading pleasure
1. There has been so much negativity in the blogging world lately… a few of my daily reads have blogged about nay-sayers/mean people who leave rude comments and such. Although I feel bad for these ladies, I am lucky my bloggy friends have been kind and considerate–I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think the saying of “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” still applies and should be considered… =)
2. I want my blonde hair back–yes, the brunette has been fun, but it is time for me to get back to my roots as they say and transform back to sun-shiney blonde! The damage I did to my hair has been almost fully repaired and I’m ready to be “me” again… appointment has been scheduled for March 16th and I’m hoping for loads of highlights as I start progressing back to blonde
3. With the permission of Meg AKA MOH, she said I could reveal her hard work and dedication by showing yall her adorable Save the Dates!! My little Malcorn all grown up… they look fantastic and her wedding is inching closer–lots of fun showers and parties coming up!!
**STD cards created from Etsy via Lille Barn Too
4. The beach… in a mere 52 days, I will be sitting with the parents and Jeff and basking in the Florida sun! It’s not even summer and I am already overwhelmed because we have so much going on… I need some R&R with a drink in hand, walk on the beach, and a good book
5. I need help–major help! In the hopes of trying to grow my business, I have decided to revamp my other blog and I am turning to you for guidance/suggestions/constructive criticism. I am in the process of creating a new name for my services– I have a FABULOUS name that I am in love with {thanks in part to Meg}, but will not be revealed until a later date. This is where you come in… should I stick with blogger or venture to wordpress? I know both have their pros and cons, but what is better for a business? I need a design with multiple pages for samples, packages, the process, etc. I also need a new template– I am open to any and all suggestions, though I am not wanting to spend an arm and a leg for this… send me names, websites, links PLEASE!!
And because I have definitely tired you with such an overwhelming post,
I leave you with some fun quotes and pictures to get you to Friday

  1. What cute save the dates! We're August 14th too- your friend and I have a lot to discuss. I just got highlights yesterday for the first time since 2001! Loves it!

  2. You are such a cute blonde! I wish I was tan enough to be a blonde!

    Those save the dates are so so cute!

    Jealous of your beach vaca!

    whats your business?

  3. Sarah says:

    I TOTALLY agree with the "if you can't say something nice…", why must people be rude!? 🙂

    And also with the blonde hair….more fun for summer, because blondes so have more fun! 🙂

  4. d.a.r. says:

    Ahhhh you are SO cute!!! I love that picture of you!

  5. Elie's Papel says:

    love all those phrases… always good to see them to keep you going… that tan is enviable!

  6. Brown Girl says:

    Those save the dates are too cute! I want to go on a beach vacation, so fun!

  7. Caroline says:

    Great post! I am going blonder on March 16 too. We'll have to compare. I hope summer is still coming this year. Love the save the dates!

  8. Sarah says:

    Those save the date cards are SO cute!
    Yay! I have a salon appt. on the 16th, too! You should definitely go back blonde…blondes have more fun!

  9. Mrs.Vid says:

    I love those Save The Dates! I am too in the process of going blonde for the summer. Just had highlights put in my hair last week and am having more put in mid March! I just came across your blog and am loving it! Glad to see I'm not the only person on the planet that is so far ahead in Wedding planning. Our date is set for May 7, 2011 and I've also booked our venue's and photog. 🙂 Good luck with the rest of your planning. I'm looking forward to reading about it.

  10. Those save the dates are so adorable, I love them!

    And I wish you the absolute best with your business ventures. It's so wonderful to find what our true gifts are and steer ahead, with them in tow. I don't know anything about the differences between blogging servers, but I hope you find out. Good luck, I would love to own some of your calligraphy some day!

  11. Kyle says:

    Love those save the dates!

    Cant' wait to see and hear more about your business. Maybe go with wordpress so you can secure the .com for the business.

  12. Silvia says:

    I love those save the dates 🙂
    I am new follower to your blog, added you to my blogs to follow list 😉 Loving your blog thus far. I think blogger would be best for your business… venture out and definately promote it. Have you thought about creating an FB fan page? Hope I helped you 🙂

  13. Brittany says:

    I did the same thing with my hair. Died it back to brunette so it could become healthy and then was dying to be blond again so I went back to highlighting. Blond is just much more fun 🙂 Especially with summer around the corner! Can't wait to see the results 🙂

    So jealous you're going to the beac in 52 days!

  14. Ashley says:


    EMAIL ME: ASHLEY.MARIE.CALAME@GMAIL.COM so that I can find out where to send your new Essie nailpolish!

  15. LG says:

    OH goodie! I love you as a blonde! I tried to go brunette once too but could never pull it off!

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