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Top 2 Tuesday… Can’t Live Without


March 23, 2010

I love it when topics make you really think… I, for one, like to think I can adjust to any situation and make the best of it, however, I guess I am a girl that has to have her way with certain “possessions”–on to Taylor’s topic for this week:
Top 2 Things You Can’t Live Without

Sunglasses… I know this sounds random, but yes, sunglasses. Nothing is more annoying to me on a sunny day than having to squint my eyes because of the sun {not that I should be complaining}. I am HORRIBLE at keeping up with these, however, so I keep at least 2 or 3 pair in both of our cars just so I have choices-haha! My favorite go-to pair are my Ray Ban Top Gun style aviators and I would DIE if I lost them!
P.S. they also cover well when you’ve had a bad day and have to shed a few tears =)
Lip Gloss!! My friends have always made fun of me because I have tubes and tubes of it in my bathroom drawers and I can never seem to get enough… I love the fruity smell and the smallest bit of shimmer to make you look feminine, even after roughing it at the gym, etc. My favorite is from Victoria’s Secret and they always have a deal the more you buy–hence why I have so much of it.

  1. omg i LOVE vs lipgloss too. def a need.

  2. Brittany says:

    Victoria's Secret has the BEST lip gloss ever. I don't like buying it anywhere else 🙂

  3. Jess says:

    Sunglasses were a close one for me! I can't stand driving while squinting! 🙂 Good choices!

  4. Marian says:

    I have to agree. A good pair of shades is clutch!!

  5. Beth McC. says:

    Great Picks! I love VS lipgloss! Its my favorite!!

  6. I love your picks! I have the same Ray Bans! Love them!

  7. kate funk says:

    I completely agree with both of these!

  8. oh i love my aviators! they are the only thing i'll let hang from my croakies!


  9. Great picks!! VS lip gloss is the best! And I look weird in aviators…I'm sure you rock them!

    Newest follower of your blog…LOVE it!! Too cute! 🙂

  10. If I were posting this blog myself, I would have picked those 2 EXACT same things. Weird, huh??!?!

  11. Paige says:

    I love sunglasses too! Great blog layout. Have a great week!

  12. I seriously die without sunglasses! Aviators are some of my favorites too!

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