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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wedding Wednesday… The Hotels


March 3, 2010

After all that worrying I did because of the lack of Nashville hotels that would give us a block of rooms for our wedding {due to honky tonk fest POSSIBLY being the same weekend–and no, it’s not even officially announced yet}, my superhero of a mom and the beloved fiance came through and eased my pain and found two incredible hotels that welcomed us with open arms!
Yay! So now our OOT {out-of-town} guests have somewhere to rest their head after all is said and done… and both have pools so they can bask in the summer sun if they have extra time in between wedding festivities, too!
And take a look at some of these adorable OOT gift bags I
found online–such cute goodies that are definite DIY ideas!!
Now that I have these things booked… I can take a small break and focus on the other things I have consuming my life these days–planning my best friend’s bachelorette party, moving furniture, work, and training for the 1/2 marathon {oh, wow that seems like a lot}.
I’ll most certainly be posting about miscellaneous wedding topics so if you have any suggestions or questions you want me to post about, feel free to send them my way =)

  1. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Very nice! I love OOT bags too.. looking forward to putting those together as our date gets near.

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    Love those OOT bags and I just KNOW you will come up with the cutest little things for yours!

  3. Love the OOT bags, so fun! 🙂

  4. Amber says:

    I'm starting to think you are super woman. 🙂

  5. Very cute gift bags, I especially like the style of the first one. You really are like superwoman, as the comment above me states 🙂 You've got a lot to plan, but it sounds like you're staying level headed amidst it all! 🙂

  6. Tina says:

    Oooh those hotels look so nice! I would love to stay there! 🙂 Very exciting!!

  7. LG says:

    I hope you put some tylenol or advil in those OOT gift bags! IT is always much appreciated the day after the reception! ha

  8. Both look like great places =)

    Glad I stumbled across your blog–it's adorable!

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