Last night I finally finished reading “The Five Love Languages” by renouned author Gary Chapman. If you haven’t read this book, immediately run over to your local bookstore {or order it online via Amazon } and pick this baby up!
Luckily for me, my wonderful Mom and Dad bought it for Jeff and I as soon as we got engaged–can you tell they are fans, too??
If you’re in a relationship, getting married, or you already are married, you need to read this. So many of us–myself included–don’t know how to “love” our partners because we may or may not speak their individual love language. This is actually a book a lot of ministers recommend their engaged to-be brides and grooms read because it is based on Christian morals and incorporates a lot of exerpts from the Bible.

It’s an easy read and I promise it will make a difference in your relationship, not only with your partner, but with the way you look at yourself, too. As soon I started reading, I thought I spoke one particular language, but after reading and taking the profile test, I realized my primary love language is “Quality Time” and my secondary love language is “Personal Touch”.
It is so enlightening because during my reading I could slowly start to tell what language {I think} Jeff is and I was trying out the ways Dr. Chapman suggests to keep Jeff’s “love tank” full. Believe it or not–it works! Anyways, the moral of the story is to show your partner love you need to be able to speak his language and understand what makes him the happiest…then you can act out those “Words of Affirmation”, “Acts of Service”, “Physical Touches”, “Giving of Gifts”, or “”Quality Time” to show that you really care. Enjoy!
Find out more at the Five Love Language’s website
FYI: I also found out Dr. Chapman wrote a specific book for singles, too so everyone can learn from this philosophy =)
That is one of the best books out there for the soon-to-be-married crowd – oh, and I'm a QT girl too!
this is a GREAT book! we too read it when we were engaged and it SO helps when it comes to figuring out how to love the other in the most effective way!
I took this quiz online and my hubby and I got quality time as our love language 🙂 I need to go read the book now!
love that book! although i think i have the sixth love language – massage! xoxo
The pastor that married us gave this book to us at one of our meetings. We LOVE it 🙂
This sounds like such a wonderful and helpful book!
I'm have to pick it up this weekend when I'm at books-a-million!
We just read this book as well & LOVED it! Great read! It has made so many things SO much clearer to Brent & I!
I agree, this is one of the best books out there. The first time I read it was in high school for a class and I wasn't dating anyone at the time but I still found that the same general message applies to friendships too. You want to show people you care in their language. Now that I've found a great guy though, this book's a great reminder. Have you heard of the book Love and Respect? That supposed to be good too although I haven't read it.
Im almost done reading this too!! How weird, ha. I LOVE this book and cant believe so many people know about it…
Thanks for the tip…it seems many people have read it and enjoyed it. I will be picking it up this weekend.
I agree that this is a MUST read for all relationships!!
Found your blog and this book review. Good job. I have this and use it in my family ministry and teaching.
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