For those of you who aren’t into exercise, I am sure you’re anticipating me being done with this race so my random ramblings will go back to other areas of concern, however, I know there are some of you out there who are on the “fitness train” too, and I hope these posts help you stay motivated to finish what you start!
{P.S. I do believe that is the overall “motto” for this first 1/2 marathon… just to finish =)}
Let me start by saying “Ouch Charlie!”–no, I didn’t get bit by a toddler, but my whole body is still aching from working in the yard all day Sunday, so I am having to watch what I do this week… starting out yesterday morning at the gym was a good idea in theory, but my muscles are still REALLY hurting…
Monday: Ran 3 miles at a 9:40 pace/abs/stretches
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Run 4 miles at a 10:00 pace/abs/stretches
Thursday: 30 Day Shred DVD
Friday: Run 3 miles at a 9:30 pace/abs/stretches
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: LONG RUN–10 miles at a 10:30 pace
**This is the last big run before the BIG day next week… ahhhh! I am so scared, but so excited and just can’t wait until all my training finally pays off =)
TOTAL: 20 miles
This week, I want to post some of my “Lessons Learned” from my weeks and weeks of training… maybe some will find these handy, as I know it can be very daunting getting out there when you have–literally–no idea what the etiquette is, where to start, and how to get better:
1. Start slow and work your way up… I have had so many friends/readers/etc. say they can’t even run a mile–well, walk it! If you increase the # and gradually the length of your runs, you’ll be running 3 to 5 miles in no time

2. Begin a training schedule and stick to it! As we all know, I am a list checker-offer… if you are the same, write it all down–day by day–just so you can cross it off and know you’re doing more for your body’s well-being
3. Exercise is only half the battle… if you’re exercising 3 to 4 times a week, and then drinking and eating whatever you want on the weekends, you won’t see the results you’re looking for… this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!! Sure, you can have your cheat days/meals, but in moderation. And, if you insist on dessert, go with the 100 calorie dessert bars by Skinny Cow, Klondike, etc.
4. Mix it up! Running can get OLD–and fast! Throw in some cardio variety like zumba, spinning, or other workout class and this will keep you entertained and motivated!
5. NEVER NEVER NEVER drink the night before a long run–I did this last week for the first time and it was a big mistake! I could barely finish because I was soooo dehydrated, which is why I won’t be drinking again until after my race is O-V-E-R
6. Try new snacks BEFORE the race–as in days and weeks before… I have experimented with GU gels, Chomps, and Jelly Belly Sport Beans {which are my new found BFF} and now I know what I need to carry with me come race day–it’s all about knowing what your body can/can’t handle to avoid running cramps
7. And most importantly…
Happy Tuesday friends!! I hope this helps–feel free to ask questions as I am here to help =)

GREAT tips 🙂
What a great post! Thanks so much! Can't wait to hear about your race! My first half is next month!
Yay!! you are almost there! Congrats and GOOD LUCK!!!
PS~Def made mistake #5 before!
I am also doing the Country Music Half so I love your training updates! Great tips too! I also just purchased the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred because I've plateaued. Thought all this running/walking would've made me drop the pounds fast!