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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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These Are My Confessions…


May 7, 2010

I confess that I am so thankful it’s Friday–this week has been a grueling one, especially since we discovered last night that we are going to have to replace the carpet downstairs due to the fllod. We were hoping we could just reset it and get someone to restretch, but there are stains from the water damage so it looks like we’ll be visiting Home Depot this weekend to get a carpet quote.
Note to self: I would call Empire, but their commercials are too annoying for words and I can’t bring myself to give in.
In other Nashville news, check out these uber:cool tshirts that were designed to help raise money for flood victims… they’re only $20 each and come in 4 different colors/designs. Pick one up here
I confess that though many of us are dealing with the flood repair and trying to volunteer our time and money to help those who are less fortunate, I can’t help but be excited that this weekend is finally my beloved Steeplechase! We have so many friends coming from out of town and locally to celebrate for a day and indulge in mint juleps, mimosas, horse racing, and catching up with long lost friends over food and fun… it’s sure to be another fun event {just like always} and I can’t wait to show you how everything turns out. We’re starting off our weekend with a cookout at the Grays–thank you soo much for volunteering to host since we’re unable to–and then the real fun begins tomorrow morning!  
And of course my Sunday will be spent at church and then celebrating the afternoon with my lovely Mom… I’ll post about that separately, but I hope you all have an amazing weekend!! OXOX

  1. Beth McC. says:

    Love the shirts! I ordered 2 yesterday! Good for you for posting up about Nashville! I live here as well and I have been keeping a running list of all the Nashville post that have been written on the blogs that I read! You should link up mcclintockb.blogspot.com! The list is being looked at from different media outlets in town!

  2. Caroline says:

    I want one of those shirts!!! I joined the facebook group yesterday!! Have fun this weekend!

  3. Brittany says:

    I love the shirts! I don't live anywhere near Nashville and I've never visited but the devistation your state is going through is unbelievable! I may just have to buy one of these; they're pretty cute too! 🙂

    Sounds like you have a weekend packed full of fun 🙂 I hope you enjoy it. Can't wait to see all the pics!

  4. Hodge Podge says:

    i fully support your decision to use home depot. i too hate the empire commercials. so sorry to hear about your house. i was walking around the neighborhood yesterday and there are still people pumping water out of their houses on Utah. it's so awful.

  5. sorry to hear about your carpet! I plan to purchase a Nashville flood shirt as well!

  6. Sorry to hear about the water damage, I think I'm going to order a shirt I was watching news today and heard about all the bands guitars and equipment that was destroyed on top of all the other damage. Can't wait to see all your cute pics from this weekend!

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