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Top 2 Tuesday… The Best Dates!


May 25, 2010

Back when Jeff and I first started dating, we used to have date nights all the time… we’d each pick a night, officially email/call the person to invite them to date night, and give them clues throughout the week to keep them guessing as to what we were doing, obviously without giving the details away to the other! This is a tradition we still continue–though now our dates are more like romantic back porch dates to save money with all the other spending we have going on consuming our lives–oh the joys of planning a wedding and owning a home! {although dont let me fool you, I wouldn’t change it for the world}
Taylor’s topic today is one of my favorites because it makes you think about all the fun you and your significant other have had together–oh the memories!
Top 2 Favorite Dates!
1. First and foremost, my favorite date Jeff and I have ever had has been our very first date…to Margot in East Nashville. He knew I had never been there before and was dying to try it out based on friends’ reviews so he treated me to a romantic dinner complete with wine for our first night out. He picked me up at my apartment, opened my doors, and all the other southern gentlemanly things boys do in their efforts to swoon you =). It was the start of something incredible and I knew I had a keeper
2. My second favorite date that we have shared together was when Jeff surprised me for my birthday last year with a trip to NYC…he knew I was dying for a small getaway and this was just what the doctor ordered! We stayed at the famous Waldorf Astoria and I played tour guide for him all weekend because he had never ventured to the Big Apple before…we were like kids in a candy store, taking in all the sights and eating at the most incredible places–truly a fun weekend with my favorite person!

  1. Marian says:

    Sounds like the best dates ever!! I think the first date with the one you love will almost always be the most memorable!!


  2. Christy says:

    I love that idea of planning dates! My boyfriend and I are finally moving within close proximity of one another after being long distance for a year and a half! I can't wait to plan dates with him!

  3. Caroline says:

    I love the surprise dates!! So cute!

  4. LG says:

    Those are great dates! and thanks for the shout out to my neighborhood restaurant! We do have fantastic places to eat over here!

  5. Mrs. Hesson says:

    I just went through and read yall's story. Love all the romantic surprise dates 🙂

  6. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Very nice dates 🙂 We also switch on and off and surprise eachother with our dates. We do that once a month but have weekly low key date nights like going to barnes and noble or making a fun dinner together at home. I think date nights are so important 🙂

  7. I love your surprise date idea! So cute!

  8. Beth says:

    It does sound like you found a keeper! After reading this post I think the hubs and I need to get back to date night again!

  9. What great dates! You are lucky to have found such a great guy!

  10. Al says:

    Super cute!! My hubby and I used to do the date night thing, but you are right – house projects, family outings, and such got in the way. One of my favorite dates was our first – something so special about those first dates!!

  11. Kristen says:

    Fun dates! We are on the "cheap dates" plan now too.

  12. Louise says:

    Margot is the BEST! The Candyman and I love it there too!

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