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Wedding Wednesday… Ding Ding Ding Goes the Trolley


June 23, 2010

Did you think I had disappeared?? The last 3 days have been a whirlwind for me because of work and traveling like a mad woman, but I got home late last night and as they say, “there’s no place like home”. Luckily, I had a hot fiance waiting on me at the airport and bless his heart, he had cleaned the entire house before I got home because he said he knew I would flip out if I saw how he had been living like a bachelor the past few days… food everywhere, dirty clothes on the floor, dishes not put away–haha–that boy knows me all too well. =) 
Well, I am back and frantically trying to get my life back in order before heading out of town again this weekend–ATL–woop woop! But, since I was gone, my Mom had a tall order to work on getting our wedding day transportation booked and boy did she come through–we got the perfect ride…the Nashville Trolley!!
We will have the trolley to transport the entire wedding party from the ceremony to the reception venue, and then we’re planning on using it later that night as well–I am so excited and think this will be a fun detail for the big day!!
OK so on to one of the MOST IMPORTANT components of the blessed event of marriage… also known as the honeymoon!! We had originally thought we would be using a timeshare of Jeff’s mom and going to either St. John or St. Lucia–however, with the high vaction time in June, this may not happen–sad, yes, but this also means we are opening up our search to other places… I need your help! Where did you go on your honeymoon?? I am really thinking we want to do an all-inclusive resort somewhere–yes, it needs to be extremely relaxing/beachy, but with fun activities to do, too {think ziplining, scuba diving, etc}. These are some reports I have been looking at and to be honest, as long as there is a drink in my hand and my hubby beside me, I’ll be one happy wife =)
 Cap Juluca in Anguilla/St. Maarten
Parrot Cay, Turks and Caicos

Spice Island Beach Resort–Grenada

  1. jayme says:

    we actually do "familymoons" in our family, which i've blogged about before. but instead of just the newlyweds, we all go! we went to the greek isles for my sisters wedding, and then an entire mediterranean cruise (spain, italy, africa, and france) for my moms wedding. but i would DEFINITELY say they were both amazing!

  2. I LOVE the trolley idea! So cute! 🙂

  3. Brown Girl says:

    We are doing napa but a beach vacay sounds awesome. We went to M's parents time share in Playa del Carmen last year and it was amazing. The resort was beautiful!

  4. Lulu in D.C. says:

    We did a Trolley for our wedding and it was a BLAST! So much fun to celebrate together after the ceremony.

    Those honeymoon locations look wonderful! Can you really go wrong?

  5. Nicole Z says:

    The trolley is going to be so amazing for your wedding! How fun!

    Belize and Costa Rica both have great scuba diving/zip-lining/cave tubing…but as far as resorts are concerned I don't have a clue. I did them while in college and stayed at hostels, not ideal for a honeymoon 🙂

  6. Claire says:

    Playa Del Carmen is fantastic! They have WONDERFUL adult only, all inclusive resorts! Wonderful adventures & only a 30 minutes fairy ride to Cozumel where is one of the best beaches to snorkel! You won't regret it! :0)

  7. I'm excited about your trolley! We're going to excellence playa mujeres in mexico (it's near cancun/playa del carmen) and couldn't be more excited. I researched the heck out of it, and we're really happy with our decision. Bookit.com and expedia were great resources, we ended up using expedia.

  8. Tara says:

    The trolley looks like so much fun!

    We went to Jamaica for our honeymoon and stayed at Couples Swept Away. We loved it and went back this past December. I think I could go there once a year. Good luck with your decision!

  9. Ashley says:

    Welcome home and great job on the trolley, what a fantastic idea!

    We just got home from our honeymoon 1.5 weeks ago and it was the perfect get away. We went to Club Med in Turks and Caicos and it was so much fun. It was all inclusive and they had so many things to choose from including: sailing, snorkeling, diving, kayaking and trapeze (also more for extra). The food was fantastic, the drinks a plenty, the sand white and the water BEAUTIFUL, clear blue. If you want more info. don't be shy! ashleysmith_82@hotmail.com


  10. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Look at you traveling every weekend 🙂
    That's great you have your wedding transportation secured! yey!

    St. John is so pretty.. seriously, if you can go there that would be great. My fiance surprised me with a trip to St. Thomas/St. John when he proposed back in October and it's amazing. The water is so blue!
    We are honeymooning in Hawaii in early May after our wedding in April. Good luck with your search!

  11. Caroline says:

    A trolley sounds like so much fun. We went to Hawaii on our honeymoon, but last year we went to Cancun and stayed at the Excellence Playa Mujeres (outside of Cancun) and it was amazing. It's adults only, all inclusive. The food was great and the place was gorgeous. Can't wait to see where you love birds decide to go.

  12. I think the trolley is such a fun idea I saw some pictures from a friends wedding in SF where they used a trolley and you get the best photo ops. I'm always for Sandals my friends used one in Jamaica and St. Lucia and they said they loved it.

  13. Wow! Any of those places are beautiful! We loved Maui, Grand Caymen and Cozumel. they were all fun. and I agree with Caroline, Playa Mujeres is fun and beautiful. It's a tiny island but they do some pretty cool things there.

  14. melissa says:

    I agree with Caroline – the Excellence Playa Mujeres is beautiful. We went there for our honeymoon and had the best time. Isla Mujeres is just a few minutes down the road and has lots of fun activities, including ziplining.

  15. Tatum-LeTard says:

    Great choices and similar to ours!!! We looked at Parrot Cay Turks and Caicos as well as Amanyara Turks and Caicos… both were already booked for the week we are honeymooning, so we had to look at other options! If Amanyara is available during your week, I would highly suggest it! I have not been there (yet), but it looks like a dream and when I heard it was booked, you would have thought the world was on it's way to ending! Another place we considered was St. Barths… oh it's so beautiful and we've heard all good things! But… the flights are tricky. It would have taken us 9+ hours to get there. So… Bermuda is our winner! Everything about that island seems so great. I say go where the hotel accommodations are luxurious, the food is amazing, and there is LOTS to do. And I can't agree with you more… a drink in hand and hubby by the side will be the best part of it all 🙂 Keep us updated on your decision!

  16. Marian says:

    Oh, I love the trolley. I totally wanted one of those too!!! But then realizing that 75% of our guest list is from out-of-town and that we would probably have to provide them with transportation, we cut back and are just getting regular school buses…which I still think will be totally cute. But the trolley is going to look beautiful with a wedding setting!!!

    In regards to honeymoon, I see you have Grenada. Lovely Islands and I highly recommend it. Depending on how much you spend, the BVI is amazing too, but its pretty pricey. You can also find some great place in Costa Rica that are all inclusive!!

  17. J&KgRiFF says:

    I love trolleys. we did the same thing for our wedding and it worked out great! better than a limo in my opinion.
    As for honeymoon, we went to Turks and Caicos and has the best time. I would highly suggest you do all inclusive no matter where you go. It was nice to just order anything and drink whatever and get as much as we want. Good Luck with your search!

  18. Natasha – My husband and I went to Turks and Caicos for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Somerset (which isn't all inclusive), but it was AMAZING! We absolutely loved every single minute. The best part was the flight. It only took 4 hours to get there from Knoxville with a short layover in ATL. Some of the other options we considered (St. Lucia, Antigua, etc.) would have taken nearly an entire day to get to – 8 hours at least! Good luck with your honeymoon search! It really is the best vacation you'll ever take!

  19. We went to Turks for ours and stayed at Grace Bay Club. Its down the ways from Club Med (which is more of a loud/party hotel). We almost booked Parrot Cay where all the "celebrities" go but found out that the island is soo secluded (about 30 min boat ride into the main Provo island) and there is NOTHING to do there supposedly. Just a warning…I would honestly stay at Grace Bay Club and you will not be disappointed. You get a private cell phone and all while you are there – they are at your beck and call ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!!

    Good luck and keep us updated on where you decide on =)

  20. Hey girl! I recommend Playa del Carmen, specifically The Royal Hideaway. It's all inclusive, super posh, small, and the restaurants and alcohol were amazing! I don't even have words for this place… Easy to get there… just a 3 hour plane ride from Memphis, same time zone, so you can leave in the morning and be lounging on the beach by lunch! Loved that. Plus it's still technically the Caribbean. We looked hard at Spice Island Resort in Grenada, but we realized we didn't want to spend 2 entire days of our honeymoon on 4 different airplanes just to get there! Have fun picking the perfect place!!

  21. jacin says:

    I stayed at cap jaluca a few years ago and it was AMAZING. absolutely amazing.

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