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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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While I Am Away…


June 21, 2010

Yes, it’s true… I am out of the office in Orlando for the next 2 days–working away at a big conference in sunny Florida– I have to admit though, it’s REALLY hard to work when you have this right outside your hotel room!
This weekend was another action-packed crazy adventure!! We had our beloved, most favorite guests at our house and took advantage of having them all to ourselves!! Friday night, we cooked pizzas and had a few cocktails and just took it easy… low and behold, we got a wild hair and decided to venture out for get this–frozen yogurt at Sweet Cece’s–and yes, we are OLD!!
Saturday morning, we got up and got ready and then met my Mom and cousin to start our shopping for bridesmaid dresses…we had so much fun!! We visited Faccio, Bella Bridesmaid, and Arzelle’s and found 2 winners–now I just need a few more of my ladies {Candice, Jenna, and Lauren–this means YOU!} to try on the options and then we can order!!
Here we are at Puffy Muffin for brunch!!
Best friend Bev, my cousin Lauren, me. and MOH Meg
My identical twin- AKA Mom
And look what I got… I have been DYING for one of these MyAgendas and they just came out with the new 2011 edition–thanks Mommy!!
After my girls tried on loads of bmaid dress choices, I FINALLY got to try on THE DRESS again! I have to admit, I was so nervous… was I still going to like it? Was it still going to look good on?? Was I going to have butterflies all over again??
And trust me, it didn’t fail me at all. I was so happy a few more of my friends got to see it on and it definitely got the same reaction it had originally, {from Mom and others} so that was that and we ORDERED MY WEDDING DRESS!! I can hardly hold back the excitement and I can’t wait to show it off next June… can you tell I am one happy girl?? 😉
That night, we got ready and headed to Arrington Vineyards to have a picnic dinner and listen to some live music… I love going there–feels like we’re so far away, yet it’s only a 30 minute drive from downtown Nashville. We had such a fun time, and luckily, the temperature finally cooled off so we could have some fun outside for a change.
Me with my Ladies!!
Me with my Sweetie!
Oh the boys…
Some of our Spread
Afterwards, we got a wild hair and decided to drive to the Boro to hang out with my parents… after driving around to find somewhere to have a few drinks, we ended up at Wall Street!
Jeff, my Dad, the Fireball Shot Girls, and Aaron–love it!!
Try not to melt away all my friends and loved ones in Nashville… I’ll be home soon!! Heading out for dinner with the corporate big whigs tonight–have a great one!! OXOX
  1. Aly says:

    Love that dress you're wearing at the Vineyard! So pretty! I hope you can get some fun in during your conference!

  2. Mrs. Hesson says:

    I was just about to say, love that dress! Haha. it's so pretty! Great pictures. And that is the perfect sign that it is "THE DRESS" when you don't want to take it off and get those great butterflies. Exciting! 🙂

  3. We're going to Arrington for my bachelorette party and I cannot wait!

  4. Ah I can't wait till June to see your dress! The anticipation kills! 🙂 Lucky girl a nice little work vacation kinda.. That winery looks beautiful I wish we had some closer to our house..

  5. Marian says:

    So happy that you ordered your dress!!! That is sooo exciting!!! Did you find any bridesmaid dresses that you loved? Any designers that you were eying up?

    Looks like a fabulous weekend!!

    Enjoy FL. If you get a chance to go to Universal Studios (if you are in Orlando)…I heard The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is open:)

  6. Tatum-LeTard says:

    How fun of a weekend! Congrats on finding your wedding dress… it's a great feeling! And even bigger congrats on finding bridesmaids dresses you like – I only say that because it took me approximately 4 shopping trips with 3 different girls to find mine. My wedding dress was easier to pick out – haha! How fun to be in Orlando for work… go to the outlets. I am obsessed with them! Do you travel there a lot? I am in Orlando with my job 6 times from January-April, so it's like my second home!!! Gotta love cheerleading competitions… over and over and over again 🙂

  7. Looks like a fun weekend! Enjoy Orlando, and try to sneak away to that amazing pool for at least a little while! Congrats on buying your dress!! SO exciting!!

  8. Lindsey says:

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I can't wait to see which bridesmaids dresses you pick out!

  9. I just googled my agendas and can't find a thing about it. What is it? I am so curious. Is it a standard planner or so much more?

    Congrats on your dress, Natasha. That is so exciting! You're going to make such a beautiful bride. 🙂

  10. Jen says:

    I was googling myAgenda's too – what are they?
    Congrats on ordering your dress!!!

  11. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Looked like you had a great time 🙂

    While you're in Orlando if you have any free time and want to meet for lunch or a drink let me know I live in downtown Orlando!

  12. have a good trip! Love all the pics! and you won The Smith Hotel Giveaway on my blog so just email me when you get a chance 🙂

  13. jayme says:

    what a great weekend! that Arrington Vineyards looks amazing! and i wore that same dress last night to the movies, i love how comfortable it is. anyways, have a great trip!

  14. I gave you an award! Come on over and check it out! 🙂

  15. I can't wait to see your dress! The vineyards are gorgeous and looks like a great time!

  16. Tiffany says:

    So jealous of your florida trip! Have fun and don't work too hard. 🙂 Looks like you had an amazing weekend! When we were in TN last October we went to Arrington Vineyard and it is so pretty!

  17. Brown Girl says:

    congrats on ordering your dress, how exciting, can't wait to see it! Just email me a pic though because I don't want to wait until June. No patience.

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