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Random Amusement


July 9, 2010

So like most of you, I am sure you stalk Kelly’s Korner blog regularly just to see the adorable pictures of her daughter Harper along with her ramblings of a southern gal, but she also has a Friday topic titled “Show Us Your Life” and today’s post is all about your favorite Bible verse–though I don’t typically participate, I wanted to share mine with all my blog friends:
“Entreat me not to leave thee or follow after thee. For with thou goest, I will go, and with thou loagest, I will lodge, thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God”-Ruth: 1:16-17
Can you believe it’s finally Friday?? Oh how I have been counting down the days seeing as this week feels like it has been DRAGGING by… what a week this has been. Work has been insane, trying to work on the house has taken over my life again, another calligraphy order out the door {yippee!}, not to mention the brief rainstorms that swept through Nashville last night just happened to cancel our engagement pictures–boo!

Can we say a little disappointed?? That may be an understatement, but we have rescheduled to next Wednesday so please keep your fingers crossed our new date and time works out–I want to get these done already!!

As for this weekend, tomorrow I am meeting more of my lovely BM’s to try on the potential dress and hopefully checking that one off the list… then picking out birthday presents from Mom and Dad, cleaning the house, and hoping to paint over the horrid monstrosity of the guest bathroom I created… we are going with a gorgeous chocolate brown, a color that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt will work in there so I wont have to do this nonsense, yet again! Then Sunday, it’s off to church and then packing for my work trip to Denver–woo hoo!!

FYI: have I mentioned my lovely IT people at work have basically made it impossible to scour the internet at all?? I have been reading your blogs I promise, though our internet functions wont let me leave comments on hardly any–double whammie! I promise I haven’t disappeared…
Have a great weekend friends!!

  1. Caroline says:

    What color are you painting the bathroom now? I am dying to paint our house!

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    I can't wait to see your engagement pics! We are taking ours in September and it will probably be miserably hot but I am still excited!

  3. Aw bummer about the rain too bad you couldn't take a few with cute umbrellas and then have another day for sunny photos 😉

  4. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Aw, so sorry you weren't able to do your engagement session! I was bummed when ours got rained out 2x's, but when it happend the time was right and we were able to get some great pictures! Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out! yey!!

  5. Julie says:

    Came across you blog, love it! New Follower

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