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The County Fair and Top 2 Tuesday


August 24, 2010

So, did you all have a fantastic weekend??? I sure did… so much fun time spent with friends and getting loose ends tied up for this weekend’s festivities and my forthcoming house guests—oh I just scream I am so excited!
Friday night, we ventured out to Wilson County for the ever-popular fair—no don’t think we are all Appalachian/crazy mountain people or anything, but we had a fantastic time with one of our fav couples, The Vaughns! Matt and Jenna crack me up and we had such a good time with them, people watching and eating bad food, and playing all kinds of carnie games—P.S. those people are SCARY!
Jeff walking in–he was sooo excited because he had never been!

BBQ Sandwich and Corn Dog–Our Dinner!
Me and Jenna Trying to Beat the Heat!
Demolition Derby Time!
Roasted Corn=YUMMY!!
Jeff Trying to Win a Prize!
Matt and His New Lawn Mowing Accessory
Shotgun Shooting
Chocolate Covered Cheesecake AKA Jeff’s Dessert
Our Prizes! And yes, mine is so ugly it’s cute =)
The losers=no prizes!! haha, just kidding!!!
The rest of the weekend was spent working on the house–loads of pics to follow tomorrow so you can check out all of our progress and then getting ready for our party this weekend!!
And for today’s Top 2 Tuesday via Taylor at The Undomestic Momma
Top 2 Biggest Indulgences
1. Nice Restaurants
It’s no secret that Jeff and I love to eat well… sure, we plan inexpensive dates sometimes for fun so we can stick to a budget and see what all we can come up {letting our creative juices flow}, but we both love to eat out at a swanky restaurant every now and then… case in point in Napa and New York City last year, it was no holds barred as we took in the gourmet feasts at Quality Meats, Pastis, Press, and Bouchon just to name a few–ahh, much better than the Special K I had for ceral this morning… we’ll be poor, but at least we will have eaten a perfect meal!
2. Shopping
Put me in a mall and this girl will go to town… however, I am quite the bargain shopper–unless it’s for a special event, I find it hard to spend more than $100 on a dress/shirt and top/etc. Sure, there are times when I find something that is absolutely perfect and I don’t care how much it costs {take handbags for instance}, but I usually let that be a special treat or something for my birthday…and I am always trying to find items that are on sale! I get emails everyday from different shopping websites telling me what sales are coming up, and what deals not to miss out on so this helps keep my shopping habit under control–sometimes it’s more fun to look than to buy  =)
  1. Ashley says:

    There is nothing like a good bargain! I think that is the best part about shopping, especially when you find something you love for a deal!

  2. Sarah Mina says:

    I love carnival food! That corn dog looks so yummy!

  3. ABRK says:

    Where do you like to shop? I love shopping!!

  4. Hi I'm a new follower! Your blog is so adorable!

  5. Clueless says:

    I love that you got a domo-kun as your fair prize!!

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