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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Exciting News!


August 16, 2010

While I am in the lengthy process of trying to get back into the normal swing of things after an incredible weekend celebrating my best friend’s wedding–a full post to follow once I edit all 237 pictures–I thought I would take an opportunity to let you in on a little secret I’ve had for awhile now…and no, nothing too life changing, but a secret I have actually managed to hide from every single person {yes, even Mom and Jeff, too!}.
I have been asked to blog about my wedding planning and all things bridal by the lovely ladies at Elizabeth Anne Designs Weddings. For those of you that may not read EAD, Ami {the author and creator} introduced EAD a few years ago to help brides by showcasing vendors, inspiration galleries, DIY tutorials, and local blogs to create a network of incredible weddings. I am so honored that she asked me to join her team of bloggers, specifically as I will be contributing to the Nashville local page and highlighting every aspect of planning our wedding next June. I am giddy with excitement and hope you’ll stay tuned to read all the fun! 
You can find the Nashville local page here and read my very first post here!
 Happy Monday friends…I hope you have a great one
  1. Congratulations! I just can't say this enough, but I LOVE your blog design. It is adorable!

  2. Marian says:

    Awww, how exciting!! Thats so great Natasha. Congratulations.

  3. congratulations!!!!!!! That is so exciting! Im off to look at it now!!!

  4. How exciting! I love EAD! I want to do some of your engagement pics on my Wedding Wednesday post sometime when you are ready! I would love to highlight you!

  5. Mrs. Nelson says:

    Congrats!!! That's great! I am also working on my own wedding planning business as we speak! 🙂 You go girl!

  6. The Holmes says:

    What an awesome opportunity…congrats!

  7. How exciting! That sounds like fun!

  8. i'm so excited to have you on EAD my dear!!!

  9. Sara says:

    So exciting! I love EAD! I read it everyday when I was planning my wedding. And I still follow EAD Living! Congrats, you'll be a great addition!

  10. Rachel says:

    I just love your blog! Such a cute design and a sweet girl. Congrats to you, that's so awesome! Such a great opportunity.

  11. That's so exciting! Congrats, I love EAD!

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