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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Girl Loves Her Pillows


August 9, 2010

When did I all of a sudden start obsessing over pillows?? It seems like anytime I go into a home store or I am browsing at some of my decorating sites online , I am all about the pillows! Jeff joked with me this weekend that I am going to buy out Nashville’s supply of pillows for our house…oops, I just like things to look comfy and cozy, OK??
What he doesn’t understand is that pillows can transform a dull and dreary bed into something bright and cheerful, or simply insert a pop of color into an otherwise neutral landscape—case in point, our bedroom that I showed a few weeks ago. I was already sick of the calming palette, but when I added a pop of yellow, I was instantly happy again with our choice of bedding and am trying to find other ways to incorporate that yellow in prints, flowers, etc.
Ok so here are some of my favorite pillows I have stumbled upon recently—love them, want them, need them, got to have them!
Luxor Sage Pillow via Urban Home
City Street Hand Hooked Pillow via Ballard Designs
Back Bay Hook Pillow via Modern Chic Home
Bukhara Pillow – Black & White via ZGallerie
Bengal Tiger Pillow Cover via West Elm
  1. Marian says:

    I totally understand your obsession with pillows!! Especially when they look like those.


  2. I have a pillow obsession too! those are all so cute!!!

  3. Tatum-LeTard says:

    Gorgeous pillows!

  4. I totally understand your pillow obsession! They're such little things that make huge differences in a room. I ordered an off-white pillow with a coral design on the front last week and I can't wait for it get here!!

  5. Jessica says:

    I understand completely! I love pillows too, and you are right – they make a home so COZY!

  6. Caroline says:

    Love those pillows. I love having pillows, but I also want them to be super comfy. I love naps! Love the new blog and I think you need a show on HGTV!!

  7. The reasons you love pillows are the same reasons that I love pillows! They totally can transform a space. Great picks!

  8. Maggie May says:

    i am pillow obsessed too 🙂 currently i have large purple on my couch with a white fluff and smaller light purple rectangle pattern

  9. Miss Chelsea says:

    Very cute… esp love the zebra print. There's nothing more uncomfortable than a couch with no pillows!

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